What about Hunter?

January 12, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

The life and times of Congress can be confusing for people that don’t follow politics 24/7. We might be thinking different things. For instance, won’t the government shutdown soon unless an agreement can be reached? Sure, but the House of Representatives has more important fish to fry. So, it’s all Hunter Biden all the time.

The hysterics over Hunter come down to three different things. First, he has had a sordid history of abusing drugs in his adult lifetime. Goodness knows what his personal issues are. I’m assuming some of it could be related to losing his mother at a very young age. Some of it could be because he lost his brother to cancer. Maybe he is just one of those people that have an addictive personality.

This is obviously where Joe Biden comes in. The elder Biden is obviously like millions of other American parents. It is the same hard decision they have had to make. If you truly love your child you don’t want to see them suffer and yet you know they likely have to suffer some in order to get better. So, when do the handouts end and the tough love begins? Unfortunately, there isn’t a manual that gives you a simple flow chart you can follow.

The second thing they seem to be focused on is what Hunter Biden did while he was abusing drugs. Apparently, he frequented the company of women of the night. There were lots of pictures and a lot of sordid details. For many with more delicate sensibilities it was disgusting and unsavory. Outside of Nevada and some foreign countries it was also illegal.

Now, unless Joe Biden was also participating I’m not sure what this has to do with the price of whiskey in Ireland. Did he know about it? Again, there is more than enough documentation that the elder Biden knew that his son had a problem. One can only guess how much he knew about the depths of that problem. Did he know about the prostitutes? Maybe. Did he know about the pictures of his son’s genitals? Maybe.

We should keep one basic thought in mind. If two consenting adults take pictures of their exploits they are free to do so. If one releases those pictures without the other’s consent they have committed a crime in most jurisdictions. That is usually what is referred to as revenge porn. It should not matter that the offending party is female. We normally see this behavior from men, but it doesn’t mean that men can’t be victims. So, when someone in Congress broadcasts these photos they are aiding and abetting in a crime.

That brings us to the third consideration and the one that actually has some legs. If we go back to the first premise of drug abusers we go back to the very human desire for parents to shield their children from suffering. Some of that includes financial support and some of it includes using influence to get them breaks and opportunities others may not have. Did Joe Biden use his influence to help his son? I am almost certain that the younger Biden got positions and assistance that someone without his last name wouldn’t get. That by itself isn’t illegal. It is unsavory but it isn’t necessarily illegal.

If Biden primarily solicited favors for his son as a former vice president then he has done nothing illegal.  What makes it illegal is when someone accepts bribes or promises goods and services in exchange for the favor. It also can be very illegal if the person in power promises punishment or harassment if the favor is not given. Anything short of that and this is all a nothing burger. Given that there is no evidence of that then we all know this is a whole lot of nothing. Of course, we all knew that anyway.

0 Comments to “What about Hunter?”

  1. It seems that Biden’s opposition cannot understand the concept of a loving parent who phones his son once a day. It is simply another way of saying “Hey, I love you, son!” Interesting thing is, what do the opposition do when their own kids of any age get in a jam? Hands off? Disinheritance?

  2. That silly woman who said at the hearing that Hunter “has no balls”–I beg to differ. His showing up a couple of weeks ago ready to testify in public, plus his appearance at the hearing itself yesterday, belies the absence of balls. Rather, it shows that he has big, brass ones. I don’t know who they think they are kidding with this stuff.

  3. Well, typical republican attitude and response. When ya got nuthin’, just scream (metaphorically) BEHGHAZIIIIIIII!!!!

  4. “…he frequented the company of women of the night.”
    “… some of it includes using influence to get them breaks and opportunities others may not have.”

    It’s almost as if those investigating Hunter Biden think if they’re loud enough, people will forget any previous, recent similar occurrences of pretty much the same thing?

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    MTG seems especially stuck on the porn; I’m starting to wonder if she has a whole separate addiction to it!

  6. slipstream says:

    But her emails!

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The repugnantican playbook. Fish for a scandal and then evidence be damned, just keep repeating it to the media and the followers. It’s a luxury in the party of repugnanticans. Evidence doesn’t matter. Distract, distract, distract.
    Groper boobert must have been quite excited about all this dirty talk. Like trumpf, in her position she can just grab em in the…..

  8. Republican Rep Eric Burlison said:
    “Hunter Biden shouldn’t be allowed special privileges just because of who his father is.
    This is America, everyone should be equal under the law.”

    This is why someone not running for any political office is investigated, but Trump who is running isn’t investigated by the House?

    Talk about cherry picking their Which Hunts.

  9. There’s a writer over at Daily Kos who has specialized in writing regular articles about Republicans getting caught committing crimes, particularly ‘those’ kind.
    Each article lists 25 or 50 of them and their offenses.
    He’s written about –44– some articles about these hypocrites so far [x25-50 jakelegs each issue], and keeps cranking them out; because the Rethugs keep on keepin’ on, gettin’ it on.

  10. If Hunter Biden re-registered as a Republican, he’d be VP nominee material

  11. Bill Daniels says:

    While we can and should forgive the lascivious nature of Hunter’s lifestyle, when it comes to drugs, which should be legalized, and with women, it certainly appears that some of those women were underage, and that, if true, isn’t and shouldn’t be waved away with a “frat boys will be frat boys” attitude. But forgetting about that, and forgetting about the proven lying on a federal form to buy a gun, something that has been the cause of lots of African Americans being imprisoned over (hardly seems fair, does it), the real issue is Hunter and James Biden’s “business dealings.”

    Their business seemed to have been exclusively selling “The Brand,” as Hunter’s business partner Archer testified, and that brand was Joe Biden. Access to Joe, proven up by business meetings, dinners, and having Joe pop in on Brand business phone calls to “talk about the weather.”

    What’s in the news lately? Ukraine? We must support Ukraine! No amount of tax dollars is enough to send to Ukraine, for arms, for training soldiers, even for paying the pensions of Ukrainian civil service employees. Remember when Joe famously bragged about telling the Ukrainian leader, “if the prosecutor (prosecuting Burisma, the company Hunter incredibly was a board member of, despite no energy, foreign trade, or natural gas experience) isn’t fired, you’re not getting the billion dollars” (of US taxpayer backed funds)? Remember how we impeached Trump for asking the new Ukraine leader to investigate all that? I mean, sure, that was just a stunning coincidence, but still, it did stink a bit. Trump’s son met with a Russian lawyer (who was briefed and debriefed by FusionGPS head Glen Simpson). Remember the stink we made about that, even though it’s weird that the ‘Russian lawyer’ would meet before and after the meeting with a Democrat operative. Stunning coincidence.

    Hunter and James Biden both sold “The Brand” around the world….Ukraine, Russia, China, and other countries, and what did those foreign businesses and countries think they were getting for their money? Access. Political favors. And apparently, super expensive weather reports, too.

    How did James Biden land a multi billion dollar contract from Uncle Sam to rebuild houses in Iraq? Like Hunter, he also had no relevant experience in anything about that. Didn’t speak the language, no home building skills, nothing….except The Brand.

    And back to Hunter, I get we don’t kink shame, but why did he list Joe in his phone contacts as “Pedo Pete?” Why did he refer to Joe in business dealings as “The Big Guy,” a big guy who gets 10% of the deal, although Hunter himself complains that The Big Guy takes half his salary.

    The problem with Hunter isn’t his drug fueled party lifestyle, the problem with Hunter is, he and Jim were the bagmen for the family, as they sold out the US for cold hard cash.

    Close your eyes. Reflect on all that. Can you see it? Can you?

    Now imagine that man was Don Jr.

  12. Wishing all that visit here have a safe and happy MLK Day.

  13. slipstream says:

    From the Guardian:

    Count 4: “From on or about November 14, 2020, through on or about January 20, 2021, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the Defendant, DONALD J. TRUMP, did knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with co-conspirators, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate one or more persons in the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States – that is, the right to vote, and to have one’s vote counted.”

    The special prosecutor then made clear that the law that Trump had violated was the pertinent section of the KKK Act: “In violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 241.”

    It is not just about Trump’s actions on January 6, 2021. It is about the entire scheme over more than two months:

    – “I just want to find, uh, 11,780 votes”
    – Faked certifications of fake electors
    – “Go to the Capitol and fight like hell”

    Happy Martin Luther King day.

  14. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Breaking unsurprising news, trumpf wins a carcass with 70% of the vote in Iowa (not to be confused by Ideeho but understandable) followed by desantis. It’s a sick statement about the state of this country. New name for red states- carcasses.

  15. slipstream says:

    Actually, Trump got 51% of the Republican votes in the Iowa carcass. This means 49% of Republican voters want somebody who isn’t Trump.

  16. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Thanks for staying up so late and correcting what the news was at 10pm PT. Like many red states, Iowa is still a dead zone for brain cells with 72% of r’s voting for trumpf or desantis….

  17. I get 3 daily newspapers and haunt the I-phone, and all I hear is how big his win was. Nothing about turnout percentage for one of the nastiest weather nights in Iowa recently. If the anti-fascist GOP voters sat home and his cool-aid drinkers showed up, I think that should devalue the perceived significance of the percentages.

  18. slipstream says:

    They still print newspapers?

  19. I don’t remember the numbers but I wanna say I heard on MSNBC that a not insignificant percentage of Republican voters that voted for Desantis or Hailey would vote for Biden if trump was the repugnantcan nominee.
    That’s not insignificant.

  20. I mean given that in the reality bubble they exist in Uncle Joe’s the second coming of Lucifer.
