Whacked PACs

September 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember when I told you about the 22 year old frat boy, Zac Cossum, who was setting up phony Political Action Committees faster than jackrabbit with wheels?

screen-shot-2015-07-22-at-8-57-16-am-182x300Well, the long, slow arm of the Federal Elections Commission caught up with Zac but they throw letters at problems because they have a whole lot of paper but oh so little authority.

It seems that Zac’s PAC (hey, that almost rhymes!) where he claimed to be raising money for Donald Trump, managed to get $12,637 worth of damfools to send him money.  How much did Trump get?  So far, diddle squat.  He shows he spent $1048.92 for “operating expenses” and we all know that Zac is an operator.

So the FEC wants to know where the $12,637 went.  I’m gonna suspect Zac’s pocket but I might be wrong.  Yeah, right.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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