We’ve Got This

July 17, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal. Reporters asked Steve Mnuchin if he thought Trump’s comments were racist.


This is so cool.

From now on when someone asks you a question you have no damn good answer for, just say, “I haven’t had time to think about that. I’m focused on cryptocurrencies.”

It’ll work anywhere, the grocery store, the bank, a strip club, church, you name it.

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “We’ve Got This”

  1. Must be about how to take your money with you into the next world. Fits the Munchkin like a glove.

  2. I’m looking forward to following up with, “I’m still examining decentralized digital currency with regards to the potential impact of an 80% parabolic advance curve.” If that’s not a conversation stopper I don’t know what is! Or in lieu of that, you say Bitcoin I say Libra. Still, Lless is undoubtedly correct he and Cruella de Mnuchin are definitely planning for the next phase.

  3. Cryptocurrencies?
    That’s so 2017.
    I’m focused on cryptozoology, the elusive Bigfoot within the Republican Party.

    No luck yet, I’ve only found small hands and small minds.

  4. ronanon says:

    I want to make a comment, but “I haven’t had time to think about that. I’m focused on cryptocurrencies.”

  5. Sarah O says:

    Saw a response on Twitter to all of the racists those who call trumps tweet racist are the real racists: ‘if calling out a racist makes me racist, I’m going to start calling out millionaires.’ So using that logic, I shall start calling out slim folks. Get rid of the last few pounds faster…….

  6. panthercityhorn says:

    Wonder if cryptocurrency is code for trickle down economics from Reagan? Still waiting on that one.

  7. Facebook the corporation that has repeatedly proven that they will sell any information, no matter how private, they can get about people is to be “trusted” as a bank/currency is an economic’s Darwin Award for any one who is dumb enough to give away their economic financial conditions.
    No government intervention to save the stupid from their own stupidity.

    ps The whole thing of cryto currencies as a hedge against the collapse of civilizations is lunatic. One needs electricity and the internet for those currencies how are those available in a time of collapse?

  8. K, that’s why cryptocurrencies have to be based on the gold standard. Keep ’em grounded…

  9. Lunargent says:

    I’m confused. Why would Mnuchin be focused on crypto currencies, when he work for an entity that prints the money we all use??

    Probably trying to shelter his own ill-gotten gains.

    I don’t get the whole cryptocurrency thing at all.Where does the Full Faith and Credit part come in? What real-world assets are backing it? It all sounds like a giant scam to me.

  10. @Kermit # 8
    So all the cryto currencies can only rise to the price of gold?
    The “mining” of new “coins” is an energy intensive computer excercise. No gold added or subtracted with new coins brought on line of existing coins lost in hard drive crashes.
    No cryto currencies are only backed by P.T. Barnam’s adage of a new sucker born every minute.

  11. maryelle says:

    Mnuchin thought by being cryptic, he could evade responsibility for supporting a racist President Pretender.
    He was wrong.
