We’ve Been Caught, Dammit
Why did we possibly think that we could get away with hiding Barack Obama’s previous marriage to his Harvard roommate – a Pakistani man? We should have known that the smart people on the right would figure out all the clues.
The evidence is overwhelming and the Tea Party has investigated it and brought out the facts.
Before he was married to Michelle, Barack Obama was photographed with what appears to be a ring on his wedding ring finger.
And, then there’s this —-
“His Pakistani roommate, whom we also went to Pakistan with, from Occidental, seems to have been — take a look at pictures of he and his roommate together — Obama had all these roommate pictures, seems to be sitting about on the guy’s lap,” Corsi explained.
So there ya go, (1) wedding ring, (2) sitting on lap,and (3) Obama approves of same sex marriage …. that can ONLY mean one thing. Barack Obama was married to a Pakistani man before he married Michelle.
I think it is horribly unfair for President Obama to want to see Mitt Romney’s tax returns while Obama will not show proof that he was not married to his Harvard roommate. That should be pretty simple to do – just look at every marriage license issued in Pakistan and the Unites States for a ten year period and if none are for Obama/Roommate, then that’s a start.
I hate it when they catch us in these lies. As the TEA party dude says —
Increasingly, I try to point out to people that Obama’s life reads like a classic intelligence agency disinformation operation.
Yeah, because if the CIA were grooming a President it would not be the idiot son of the former CIA Director who would take orders without question. No, siree, it would be a black guy from Hawaii.
Thanks to Bananas for the heads up.