We’re Talking Old

June 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

News from the teevee.

Yes, O’Reilly is still the No. 1 program in cable news in both total and demo viewers, averaging 2,136,000 total viewers in May. But the majority of those viewers are over the age of 55. In fact, the median age for O’Reilly is now just over 72 years old.

Honey, they are so old that they better not buy green bananas.  They went to high school with Moses.  Some of them pre-date sunshine.

With any luck at all, they’ll turn off the teevee at the nursing home and Bill’s viewership will drop to 8 or 9.

Thanks to John for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “We’re Talking Old”

  1. Maybe he can get a little theater in Branson, MO in a few years. I’m sure there’s a few folks who would pay good money to hear his ‘greatest’ hits from over the years.

    “Oh, oh! That’s a good one. He really showed that pinhead who’s got the switch to the microphone!”

  2. Hey old people! Please exercise caution when watching Bill O’Reilly on Fox News. His stupid ideas and obnoxious personality will put you in the nursing home or hospice way earlier than necessary.

  3. Recent health news article said that being cynical is linked to dementia, so watch out.

    Do they count everybody who’s in the TV room at the nursing homes as watchers, regardless of whether they’re paying attention or not? Does the set just have to be on?

  4. Oooooo! What a borsht belt comic could do with this one!

  5. maryelle says:

    I keep waiting for O’Reilly’s viewers to nod off for good, but then the rwnj baby boomers
    come along and fill in the empty slots.
    So depressing that the most highly educated generation of retirees has so many dimwits who swallow that swill.

  6. OldMayfly says:

    Hey, hey, hey! Let’s remember that not all Olds are dumb Olds. Many Olds have been sneering at O’Reilly for years.

  7. @Rhea. The set just has to be turned on.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, the set only is good with Fox Noise, unless they make arrangements with the NSA to determine if the hearing aids are being worn.

    Fox Poutrage is all about ratings & numbers. True communication, not so much. Flash some faux rage and lots of leg/blond skirt to hook the knuckle dragging mouth breathers. Maybe we should take out an ad on Fox, written instructions for breathing which would destroy Fox Noise’s viewer ship.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    OldMayfly, you are such a darling and no, we are not talking old. The split is the difference between the wisdom you and so many lend to the discussion, and the average Fox viewer who really is too stupid to breath.

    Brillo abrasive Bile, as suggested, could become a medical test to sniff out the early signs of dementia onset. If our parents and grandparents have not put the sewerage station on their blocked channels, we need to do it for them and seek medical attention for them.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    This is another great opportunity, not kidding. During the 37 days I was in a nursing home, excuse me, a rehab center several years ago, I noticed that lots of folks there gathered around the big screen TV because there wasn’t much else to do. I pre-empted the public computer since nobody else was using it. The folks that run those places are desperate for programs. If you want to help improve things at the nearest rehab center, see if you can get together a group of Democrats to go do a skit or a quartet to sing or register voters or something. Basically EVERYONE in there is in a wheelchair. It is BORING. Just call up and talk to the program director. You will get your sainthood. Or something.

  11. maryelle says:

    Mayfly: If you’re here, you’re not one of ’em
    dimwits. I’m one of those boomers, too, and
    thank heavens for the sanity and intelligence
    found here at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon.
    Just watched Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s amazing Cosmos episode on global warming
    and am depressed just thinking about the fight we have on our hands to rectify it.
    Will intelligence prevail?

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, hope you are sitting down. Please grab your chair. No joke, Nancy Reagan, actually did something decent. Probably by accident, or at the behest of someone on Ronnie’s staff who was not senile.

    The program brought seniors needing a new purpose in life to small salaried but needed money for them to institutions to assist the staff with feeding, hair care, and just some hand holding and personal attention. Also included were college students filling ‘practical time’ requirements and learning what social services should really mean.

    As for Dubya, the other dimwits, dufii and dufettes, NO, Dear goddess, no. Just no. Receiving services or assisting to provide services should never have the onus as with Dubya’s faith based idiocy. Religion is free in our country to do their own thing, but they have no business interfering with the business of government.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Thanks, PKM. We could make rah rah noise about that program. Time to go read the dumb novel.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, there are practical solutions to every day problems, occasionally even a Republican stumbles on them.

    But for the most part, the GOP is as Piuysh cried, “the party of stupid.”

    My two prong plan is get out the vote in 2014 and bombard my Congress varmints with the asininity of the Ryan budget. That boy is dumber st00pid than his silly haircut, if that’s possible.

  15. Hey, now! I am hitting the 70 mark in a few days. Does that mean I’m going to become senile enough to turn that idiot on?
    I find that very frightening.
