We’re Not Jacking Around Here, Y’all. Dan Patrick is Freekin’ Nuts.

October 21, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know people from foreign states think we’re overreacting to the possibility of a Dan Patrick win.

We are not.

DanPatrickSenateHe believes crazy stuff.  You know, like that God speaks to us through the teevee show Duck Dynasty.

And that God dictated a book to him.  God named it The Second Most Important Book You Will Ever Read.

“As the author, I am obviously biased,” Patrick wrote in an Amazon review of his own book. But “since God inspired me to write this book,” he added, “He automatically gets 5 stars and the CREDIT!'”

I seriously doubt that God got the royalties.

And he had a deep hatred of anything not white or male.

On Connie Chung’s TV show, Eye to Eye: Patrick quipped in 1992 that the Asian American journalist’s show should be called “Slanted Eye to Eye.” Although Patrick’s remarks sparked a local media firestorm, he did not change his ways. In 1999, a Houston Press profile noted that “Patrick lapsed into a faux-Chinese accent when he thought he heard a network correspondent call Clinton, in the midst of the Chinese-espionage scandal, ‘President Crinton,'” and later joked that Clinton should get surgery to “make his eyes slanted.”

And he’s nicer to Asian than he is Hispanics.  He pretty much thinks they are all terrorists intent on spreading leprosy and polio.

And, y’all, he painted the Statue of Liberty with Jesus’ face.  No, I am absolutely not kidding.  He’s got Jesus in drag.




Call every Texan you know and tell them to go vote for Leticia Van De Putte.  It’s important.

Thanks to Kevin for the reminder of how nuts Dan Patrick really is.


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