We’re Doing It Because We Love America

February 02, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is beginning to look like Texas is going to sit out the election this year.

I know that comes as a relief to you folks from foreign states.

However, I wouldn’t mind having an election.  Sadly, I’ve grown accustomed to it, even though Texas Democrats haven’t won a statewide election since Elvis died.  Lord, people, we can’t even beat Rick Perry.  Does that tell you something about the effectiveness of Texas Democrats?

Texas Republicans are determined to disenfranchise Hispanics.  So, we’re in a redistricting fight that might last until after the election in November.  We’ve moved the primary once and now it looks like we’ll have to move it again.  The DC Court says a decision is at least 30 days away, so the April 3rd primary is out the door.

I would try to explain the whole redistricting mess to you but it’s complicated and I have attention deficit dis …. oh look, a bird!  Check here if you like complication and fancy lawyer talk.  Michael Li is the aphrodisiac of lawyer-talk.

I will say this:  we Democrats have smarter lawyers than they do, but that’s not saying much because Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is dumber than bean dip.

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