We’re All Cheeseheads Now

February 20, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


We got an email here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. (and, yes, franchises are available after a year of training and all the money you have) that we need to share with you.

Dear Ms. Susan, I was hoping you could pass on word to Miss Juanita Jean that a Fort Bend resident is headed to Madison to perform for the protesters.  John Rioux is originally from New Hampshire and Boston but relocated to Fort Bend a few years ago because his wife’s family is here. His band, Street Dogs http://www.facebook.com/streetdogs, is a Boston based punk rock band.  They have long been active in politics.  Their most recent release contains a song “Up the Union.” In December they performed at the DC office of the AFL/CIO.  They are headed to Madison to do 2 performances on Monday in support of the Workers.  (in the interest of full disclosure, I play a little Irish music with Johnny when he’s in town.)

The email is from one of my favorite writ twits, Kevin Murphy.

There is also a pizza parlor in Madison where you can order and pay for pizzas to be sent to the protesters.

Bud, who is one of our favorite customers, sent $14 in our name to honor the 14 Wisconsin Democratic Senators.  This money will help them fight the fight in Wisconsin.  From what I hear, they’re waiting on your $14.

Lily told me that we’re all supposed to wear red next week to show that we stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Wisconsin who are fighting for truth, justice, and, dammit, the American way.

And as of today, we will quit using Republican words.  We will quit calling it “entitlements” and call it what it is – earnings.  And government does not supply services; it supplies necessities.

And if you know of any other ways to remind America that greed is not good and the destruction of the working class is goal of the Republican Party, please let us know in the comment section.

Juanita says she’s had more than plenty of the Republican party.

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