Well, You Know How Those Kinky Porn Movies Always Take Place in a Woman’s Prison and are Titled “Bimbos Behind Bars”? Republicans Want In On That Action.

June 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Goodness sake, these people are pure unadulterated organic and improved creepy.

Cliff Sterns: Apparent Prison Porn Devotee

Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns from Florida, where they appear to have sent their insane to Washington instead of paying to house them in Florida, went on the electric teevee and said that women who have “sex or race selective abortions” should be imprisoned.  Apparently a mind reader, crystal ball and tarot cards will be involved in the details of the mind reading this will involve.  Or maybe they’ll just dunk her in the river for days to discover her reasons for having an abortion.  If she dies, she’s telling the truth.

As an aside, Ole Cliff thinks this should be the law here since there are similar laws in Europe.  Chris Matthews, who was interviewing him was a tad rattled by this logic.

Matthews: “… It’s always amazing when you guys on the right want to import the values of other countries. Any time we do it, any time a liberal tries to do it, you say they’re bringing foreign values into this country.”

You want consistency from Republicans, Chris?  Duh.  Why do you think Mitt Romney is leading them as they prance off through the looking glass?

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Well, You Know How Those Kinky Porn Movies Always Take Place in a Woman’s Prison and are Titled “Bimbos Behind Bars”? Republicans Want In On That Action.”

  1. OK to have European laws that imprison people, but not OK to have European laws that provide health care for all people. Yep, consistently inconsistent.

    They don’t appear to have paid attention that the per capita prison population in Europe is MUCH lower than ours. I think that means there’s another flaw in their reasoning, don’t you?

  2. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Where? the middle east?

  3. Since we are already seeing career criminals being released early due to overcrowding, is filling our prisons with women who chose abortions and their doctors really economically and culturally (because it would cause even more “real criminals” to the street) logical? It is bad enough to be a hypocrite, but then to propose things that are truly clueless for how their consequences would play out is extremely aggravating. I’m tired of the nationally-destructive tendency I see from these GOP loonies.

    The urge peeks to go watch Blade Runner to cheer up about what we have now…or perhaps Demolition Man. I remember the first time I watched DM… I said, “I may not know what I stand for, but I know what I stand against and that sanitized, everything restricted because one pretentious dictator says so, and music being TV show and commercial jingles definitely is something I will fight against.”

  4. See, JJ, dint I tole you that politicians in Florida are as crazy as, if not crazier than, the politicians in Texas?

    Did you see that our beloved Bald Eagle Gov told the feds that just because they ordered him to stop illegally purging the voter rolls, he ain’t gonna stop?

    I miss Texas BBQ. I miss the Texan accent, but I get my fill of nutty politicians right here in the Sunshine State. Ever hear the name Alan West? Rest my case.

  5. Chris Matthews referring to himself as a liberal. Fail. It’s horrible that misguided conventional wisdom saddles us with faux liberals like Matthews, Dowd and Friedman. Most “liberal” pundits have one ideological goal: to remain on the advertising funded gravy train the Peter Principle handed them.

  6. Juanita Jean says:

    wally, I have to admit that if I ever meet Chris Matthews I will say to him, “Dude, you knew the Kennedys. We get it. Now move on and make some new friends.”

  7. Ooh, ooh, can we have European gun laws too? That ought to drop our murder rate about umptyhundred percent.

    I wondered about the anti-sex-selective-abortion bill. How is anybody supposed to know? Does the doctor turn them in, violating doctor-patient confidentiality and making her/himself liable for prosecution, or is someone assigned to listen at the keyhole of the examination room?

    And race-selective abortion? Are women aborting their fetuses for being the wrong race, like they didn’t notice?

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    Sterns is a birther, he said the government shoul sell some of the national parks, and as chair of the Energy and Commerce committee he led the attack on Planned Parenthood. Other than that he is just a total jerk.

  9. Pauline says:

    We try to stop them at the state line, but it just isn’t working.
    These old coggers buy their way in and head for south Florida.
    These old geezers are coming out of the wood work spewing their sexual manadates..sort of like they felt this way all along and have found a willing audience with Romoney at the helm.
    Lord help us folks. Florida is whacking prople off the voting list left, right and crooked.
    Here we go again!!
    Don’t let your chad hang out or better yet you ain’t going to get the chance to vote at all.

  10. I thought most of those xxx behind bars movies were repubporn…
