Well, You Know How Those Kinky Porn Movies Always Take Place in a Woman’s Prison and are Titled “Bimbos Behind Bars”? Republicans Want In On That Action.

June 03, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Goodness sake, these people are pure unadulterated organic and improved creepy.

Cliff Sterns: Apparent Prison Porn Devotee

Republican Rep. Cliff Stearns from Florida, where they appear to have sent their insane to Washington instead of paying to house them in Florida, went on the electric teevee and said that women who have “sex or race selective abortions” should be imprisoned.  Apparently a mind reader, crystal ball and tarot cards will be involved in the details of the mind reading this will involve.  Or maybe they’ll just dunk her in the river for days to discover her reasons for having an abortion.  If she dies, she’s telling the truth.

As an aside, Ole Cliff thinks this should be the law here since there are similar laws in Europe.  Chris Matthews, who was interviewing him was a tad rattled by this logic.

Matthews: “… It’s always amazing when you guys on the right want to import the values of other countries. Any time we do it, any time a liberal tries to do it, you say they’re bringing foreign values into this country.”

You want consistency from Republicans, Chris?  Duh.  Why do you think Mitt Romney is leading them as they prance off through the looking glass?

Thanks to Ralph for the heads-up.

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