Well, When The President Does It…

May 14, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Some years after President Nixon shared with a national TV audience the bald-faced lie that he was “not a crook,” he infamously claimed to David Frost in a one-on-one interview this little gem: “Well, when the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.”

That that guy never served a day in prison is why we are in the fix we are in today.

Donald Von Shitzenpantz never read a thing about Nixon. Of that, I am sure. But he didn’t have to. What his campaign is currently doing in campaign contributions is not a new thing for him or for any given chiseling entrepreneur.

He’s making lucre out of excess donations.

Here is an FEC document that I got from Alfredo at the Dairy Queen. It pretty much sums up the whole larcenous affair. Take a look. We’ll wait.

That’s right. The official presidential campaign of Don Von has pulled in an aggregate of $226,669.43 in interest from funds donated to the campaign, including by people who have donated over the legal limit.

You see, the FEC because it is fair-minded, gives candidates a 60-day time period to discover overpayment, and refund the balance to the donor. A time limit that the Von Shitzenpantz campaign has typically violated. Oh yes, you do clearly see refunds, but just as clearly, you see that they take their damned time about doing it. So much time, and so much money, that the campaign can buy an extra quarter of a million dollars worth of McD’s hamberders for their campaign workers.

According to a pornographic film actor and director, The Former Guy is pretty quick about getting his business done.

Just not this business.

0 Comments to “Well, When The President Does It…”

  1. Fenway Fran says:

    Good one, Half Empty! Happy to see that the supply chain at the DQ is still solid. I came very close to spewing coffee all over my laptop at the ending. The mark of a fine post in my book!

  2. If a rat steals your cheese it’s not illegal because he’s a rat.
