Well, We Should Have Seen This Coming and Placed Bets

January 17, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Georgia House Bill 464 would require all citizens on public assistance to undergo random drug testing.

The Kipster: Needs Public Assistance ... to Walk!

One of its sponsors is a Georgia Republican named Kip Smith.

You knows what comes next, don’t you?

Kip Smith was arrested for DUI last weekend, blowing a .09 on the drunk-o-meter after telling the arresting officer first that he hadn’t been drinking at all and then upping the ante to only one beer 45 minutes ago.

Okay, new law:  all Georgia Republican legislators need to be randomly tested for drunk and stoopid.  Or at least IQ tested.

Thanks to Carl for heads-up.

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