Well, There’s An Upside to This One

November 17, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


It appears that the steeple people in Brazil have decided that a USB cable is the sign of the devil.

No kidding.

Evangelical Christians in Brazil have apparently banned the use of USB connections after claiming the technology is the mark of Satan-worshippers. Apparently the revelation came after the evangelists noticed that the USB symbol resembles a trident.

“Okay,” Juanita ponders, “if we could get Michelle Bachman to be the carrier of this news in America, all kinds of great things would happen.  Mainly, we’d have the internets to ourselves.”

“They already think that books and CNN are tools of Satan, so there won’t have to be a lot of work to get them to abandon the internets.  Next step:  grocery stores!  I’m plenty tired of having to wait in the check-out line.  Let’s convince them that grocery stores are evil.  Then the beach, the movie theaters, baseball parks ….”

“Wait a minute,” Verdelia hollers.  “Texas has an X in it.  X is the sign of Satan.  They gotta leave!”

Now there’s a plan.

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