Well, There Ya Go

July 21, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes I am baffled as to why anyone on God’s Green Earth thinks Ron DeSantis would be an improvement over Donald Trump.

Here’s his explanation as to why we can’t have transsexual people, who he calls “cultural problems.” Couple that with how weak we are abroad now, and …


And then the audience of old white people clapped. So get your act together, people.

You can watch it yourself here if you want to, but I dunno why you would. I already did it for you. It’s like a jillion degrees here today so I figured what the hell, I can take it.


0 Comments to “Well, There Ya Go”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    JJ, honey, take care of yourself in all that heat!

  2. BarbinDC says:

    He is a charisma-less hate monger and nothing else. He brings nothing to the table. It’s rather gratifying to watch his campaign implode before it ever got off the ground.

  3. I’d be happy if school children would learn the difference between “its” and “it’s.” Or “there” and “their.”

    DeSantis wants to sanitize the history of slavery so it looks like there was no oppression and they all learned “useful skills” to their benefit.

  4. Texas at 3
    Don’t forget “they’re.” And I still love the white go-go boots the governor was wearing a few months ago. Such a good look for him. I enjoy that so many cartoons show him wearing those fetching boots.

  5. Malarkey says:

    I second @Opinionated Hussy #1. Stay cool, JJ!

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The way mister shiny white boots wears them reminds me of how the gestapo wore theirs.
    Trying to answer the important question of who’s worse (trumpf or disantass) is like trying to distinguish which pile of dog poop smells worse. They both smell disgusting.

  7. DeSantis is worried about 25 years from now?
    There’s got to be a cartoon in there somewhere, with a mouse (Mickey), an elephant (Republican DeSantis), and a day planner (old school) for the year 2048.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    TexasTrailerParkTrash and JDS2017: Let’s add in “your” and “you’re” to get the trifecta of what all our Ms. Grundys taught. And which grate on my nerves when supposedly educated folk like journalists and politicians get them wrong.

    Personally I suspect that we English speaking humans will eventually settle upon a small set of pronouns, which don’t concern themselves with what’s in each person’s pants (or skirts, shorts, kilts, kimonos, saris). As for Mandarin, that sounds like a good second language to pick up: it’s non-Proto-IndoEuropean, and will be useful both now and 25 years from now. Only Republicans and neo-Nazis seem to object to knowing more than one language.

  9. Steve from Beaverton @ 6

    Rona DeSatan could make a campaign fashion statement with tassles on those white boots and wearing little majorette shorts.

    Surly Professor @ 8

    I suspect that the GOP and Notcees, are using the fact that only a small percentage of Americans have ever travelled outside of the US. So they have no idea how the rest of world lives or even geography. Teaching kids languages like Spanish and Mandarin should begin in kindergarten. Latin should be added in elementary school.

  10. thatotherjean says:

    Ron DeSantis is a hate-monger and an utterly charmless person, who creates problems that he can then take credit for solving–like our Republican legislators in Congress. He is, with the assistance of the Florida legislature, wrecking the state he is supposed to be governing. It will take years, if not decades, to restore what he has destroyed.

    He has chased away the people who did much of the work to keep the hospitality industries, construction, agriculture, and healthcare, and gods know what else, functional. He has demanded the dumbing-down of education from grade 1 through grad school, which will, if it keeps up, loses accreditation for Florida’s colleges and universities. And he wants to be president of the united States? Thank the Universe, that seems unlikely.

    I will refrain, for now, from ranting about Texas and Governor Abbott the Bloodthirsty–who is, if such a thing is possible, worse than DeSantis.

  11. thatotherjean says:

    Correction: Make that “lose” accreditation, not “loses.”

    Also, what Opinionated Hussey said. Be careful out there.

  12. Well, Mommy Casey wants her new fashion wardrobe .

  13. rastybob says:

    Its an old joke–
    What do you call a person that speaks 3 languages.
    A person that speaks 2.
    Only one.
    an American.

  14. jrkrideau says:

    We appreciate your sacrifice.

  15. In other news:
    The mighty BSS Trumptanic goes down beneath the waves, leaving a huge mess behind:


    [The rest of the story: https://www.fleetmon.com/maritime-news/2023/42485/container-ship-heavy-list-crew-evacuated-container/ ]

    Question– Given Abbott’s recent depraved actions on the Mexican border, specifically installing manifoldly dangerous hazards [chained buoys+, netting, razor wire, +?] on a Federal navigable waterway* and international boundary, the Rio Grande, what should President Biden do?
    The Mexican government is up in arms, the rest of the world is considering ‘crimes against humanity’ charges.
    International border control and affairs are Constitutionally a Federal domain.

    1. Biden’s announced some court actions so far [equivalent to the usual weakass ‘sternly worded letters’].

    2. Nothing further.

    3. Should Biden order the US Army Corp of Engineers to the Rio Grande, federalize the TXANG [currently under the control of Abbutt], and uproot these depraved devices from the Rio Grande; protecting the operations with whatever military assets required [A, AF, Navy, CG]?

    I choose #3.. Watch the MAGAots howl.


    [* I am one of few in the recent era who have navigated it, from the Gulf and upstream.]

  16. Sandridge @ 15,

    Perhaps the near capsizing of this top heavy behemoth, should be a warning to the newest and biggest-ever-built Royal Caribbean floating theme park.


  17. Harry Eagar says:

    Papa @ 16 That was no behemoth, just a local shuttle. A behemoth would have carried 20,000 containers.

  18. Harry Eagar says:

    Texas @ 5 I am too old to learn new pronouns, and furthermore, how do I detect which are the applicable ones?

    Evelyn Waugh wrote that he got his entry to college for his English style, and that — at a much lower level — was how I made my living as well. Presumably today, I would be unemployable.

  19. The Surly Professor says:

    Harry Eagar: I’m also of an age commensurate with that of Earth’s. I’ve found that it’s not a matter of which pronouns you use, as long as you’re making a good faith effort to not be offensive. Along with (when necessary) pointing out to your listeners that you are old, and sometimes misuse them not from aggresssion, but decades-long habit. What I find especially confusing is them/their used in the singular. [Current dumb joke: what do you say to attribute a claim to a non-binary prospector? There’s gold in them their hills.]

    Another plus point for Mandarin: none of that him/her or his/hers BS. They don’t have gendered words. An old friend of mine is a woman with a typically male name meaning “iron” or “hard”. So all Chinese listeners assume I’ve got the intonation pattern wrong. Sorta the converse of what we’re going through now with pronouns.

  20. Does anyone know how birth certificates are handled? Under sex does it just say, yes? Or perhaps they were born? I sound like I take issue with pronouns. I really don’t. It makes it somewhat easier for me when a person looks to be of either gender or neither to say they or them. I’ve done that even when I knew they or them to be him or her. It just sounds insulting for they or them. The sentence that angers me most is, You need to move these ones or These ones are the ones you will be moving or perhaps it’s just the two words these ones used together. Keep cool people.

  21. Harry Eagar says:

    Surly @ 10 Shortly after listening to a long discussion about why we need pronoun police on NPR, there was an interview on a different subject. The cast included an interviewer and an interviewee. But suddenly listeners were referred to ‘they.’ Wait, what?

    After some little time, I worked out that the interviewee was whatever grade of sexual personthat uses singular they.

    I take my stand: If you present as a boy, you get he; if you present as a girl, she. Ambiguous presentations: I’ll take a stab at it.

    I do not care what your sexual habits are. I do not want to know what they are. If you try to tell me what they are, I will forget. None of my business.

  22. Peggy Hunter says:

    I have accounts on facebook, twitter, and Tumblr and posted your website because it reflects how I feel about life and politics. I would like to keep up with and repost your articles. I believe others would enjoy your sense of humor and ‘style’ as much as I do.

    Peggy Hunter from a little loser California town called Chowchilla that is 70% Republican, not that it hinders my liberal ass in any way.

  23. The Surly Professor says:

    Peggy Hunter @22: welcome to the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon. Many of us here are also on blue desert islands in oceans of redness, and this is a place where you can vent without having to first check who is wearing a MAGA cap and carrying a gun. [Secretly many of us are jealous of BarbInDC, who apparently lives in a place where reason and democracy can flourish. Plus some gun control laws.]

    JJ Herownself is a jewel from the same crown that also gave the world Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards, and Molly Ivins. JJ carries out full-time political combat in the Houston area, so doesn’t always have time to post daily. But there’s always something interesting going on.
