Well, That’s One Way to Lower Your Taxes
Let’s say you’re a Republican congressvarmint and let’s say you’re on the committee that writes tax laws.
Okay, that’s a great place to start cheating on your taxes, right?
Todd Young from Indiana started right there.
First, he took a property tax deduction for a house he didn’t live in and then he delayed paying his county taxes until CNN got on him like green on grass.
On his politician website, Young says, “Taxes are complicated.” Not really, Todd. You owe property taxes, you pay them. Not hard.
And then the cherry on top?
Smith was already frustrated that the check Young used to pay the $4,000 in back taxes bounced, leading the treasurer to complain that Young’s problems have “created serious complications for our office.”
Straight from Young’s website —
The single greatest threat to our nation’s future – to the future we owe to our children – is Washington’s failure to adopt a specific, credible plan to address our nation’s rapidly growing national debt. The plain truth is that that we spend more than we take in and borrow more than 40 cents for every dollar spent.
When asked about his hot check, Young replied, “Benghazi. Freedom.”
Not really, but you know for a dead certain fact that’s all he talked about the rest of the day.
Thanks to David for the heads up.
I don’t recall ANY member of “The Party of Responsibility” ever admitting responsibility for any of their actions or inactions.
1The Republican motto: “Do as I say, not as I do.” They think this gets them off the hook of responsibility. What an absolute moron.
2Both my parents died when I was young. By 15, I was running a household.
I quickly learned that paying my taxes gave me pride. I’m grateful I live a life where I have to pay them. That means I own my home, I’m a contributing member of society, I help educate our future leaders, support our emergency response folks, feed the hungry, assist our Veterans, pave our roads, inspect our food supply, etc… Like I said, I figured all this out by age 15. It wasn’t that hard.
So, what’s wrong with this greedy putz?
It seems like Republicanism is a mental illness in the same family as a sociopatholgy (anti social personality disorders).
3Hopefully, someday, researchers will develop a cure.
Lorraine, I learned the same thing (but my mother didn’t die young, so I was spared that pain.)
Paying taxes, she taught me, was not just a necessity but a privilege, for the reasons you mention. It was a sign of gratitude for what we had been provided by our country.
The only cure for a Republican is removal from the ranks of privilege and isolation from other Republicans and Fox News. A work cure, surrounded by people not like themselves, whom they must depend on and work *with*. Kindergarten level teaching, which they apparently missed, on the ethics of sharing, caring, paying attention, etc. Unfortunately, there are no rehab centers for adult Republicans in denial, and thus I’m afraid the disease is almost impossible to cure. Even loss of jobs and homes doesn’t knock them out of their certainty that they deserve everything and other people are the problem. Relapsing of apparently cured Republicans is common and distressing to those who voted for them.
4Lorraine and Elizabeth: Great ideas! But first, let’s get them out of office and keep them out of office! I’m just sayin’.
5Think of it this way: the putz has a limited sound track. It requires someone to wind him up every day. The output of this task of energy is the less than 30 second sound bite. From this kind of creation, never expect to hear Shakespeare or the Gettysburg Address. The day will come when the sound track gets stuck but of course he has always been assured that nothing can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong . . .
6Maggie, I don’t think anyone has to wind him up every day. Watering him once a week will probably suffice.
7Karma can be a rehab center for Republicans. She is random but you know what they say about her.