Well, That’s One Way To Do It

May 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the good folks of Klamath County, Oregon, are having an election.  It’s gotten a tad testy.

dumpster-diving1Someone broke into a ballot drop box in Klamath County and apparently threw the mail-in ballots into a nearby dumpster over the weekend, according to the county’s clerk.

The Klamath County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after around 240 ballots were taken from a box near the Klamath Basin Senior Center. The recovered ballots can still be counted, Klamath County Clerk Linda Smith said.

Now I know you are asking yourself, was it Hillary’s or Bernie’s people?  Neither.  They aren’t on the ballot this time in Klamath County.

Klamath County voters are deciding whether to overturn their county’s ban on marijuana dispensaries. Commissioners banned the pot shops shortly after the Legislature allowed cities and counties to do so if voters in those jurisdictions opposed Ballot Measure 91 by 55 percent or more.

So you know it had to be the No Pot people.  Pot People would have put the dumpster trash in the ballot box instead of the other way around, and you’d know who did it because they’d still be giggling the next day.

There was also a nasty little contested State Senate race among Republican candidates pulling all manner of dirty tricks.  But, picking between dirty Republicans appears to be standard procedure in Klamath County.


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0 Comments to “Well, That’s One Way To Do It”

  1. Now there is an image I will always remember whenever I vote in any election!

  2. coprolite says:

    So,this happens at the local senior center, where large amounts of pharmaceutical drugs are dispensed every day, providing large profits to pharmaceutical manufacturers.
    I think the culprit was a pharmaceutical representative depressed by the lose of potential clients to new marijuana users, who are probably much happier with cannabis then synthetic drugs.

  3. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I’m with coprolite on this. The only people who don’t want people to be able to manage their own pain, are those who profit off people’s pain.

    Big Pharma, their CongressCritter enablers, and the vote thief can all kiss my flat blue butt.

  4. But, but, but…… I thought voter ID’s were supposed to stop fraud.

  5. Rastybob says:

    Voter Fraud Stopped by IDs. Is like picking up a turd by the clean end.

  6. maryelle says:

    Rastybob gets the biggest laugh tonight. Clean end, indeed.

  7. two crows says:

    So somebody in Oregon decided to take a page out of Florida’s book? Who woulda thunk? Some similar shenanigans occurred here 8 years ago.
    1] In one precinct, people were sent out to sign up new voters. Those who brought in newly minted Democrat voters got their pay docked. That ended THAT.
    2] The Democrats’ registrations got tossed in a nearby dumpster.

    Fortunately the whole scheme was discovered [and at least some of the culprits arrested] before election day so no one showed up at the polls expecting to vote and got turned away instead. There’s that, at least.

    Kudos to both Oregon’s and Florida’s election officials for catching the malfeasance before people were disenfranchised.

    This time.
