Well, That Would Be One Way to Handle It

December 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have given birth to three 11 year old boys, at differing times, of course.  I know 11 year old boys and like my friend Elizabeth says, “They think in spurts, like a dotted line, with no-thinking going on in between.”

One 11 year old’s parents in Utah are hogging all the dumb.

An 11-year-old boy in Utah reportedly told classmates that his parents recommended that he take a gun to school for defense after the recent mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut.

According to KSTU, students at West Kearns Elementary School notified teachers after the sixth grader pulled a .22 caliber pistol out of his backpack on Monday morning.

I’d rather tap dance through a mine field than ponder where this is going.

Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, That Would Be One Way to Handle It”

  1. Juanita Jean, here is my list (and added to by some friends) of people who should not own guns:

    Here is a list of people I think should not own guns:

    1) Do you think arming teachers makes children safer? You should not own a gun.
    2) Do you think the school shooting in Newtown was the result of “taking God out of our schools?” You should not own a gun.
    3) Do you think the school shooting was a result of the countries acceptance of gays? You should not own a gun.
    4) Do you think the school shooting was a result of the feminization of our schools? You should not own a gun.
    5) Are you the governor of Texas? You should not own a gun.
    6) Do you think having a gun in a tear-gas filled, dark theater would have saved lives? You should not own a gun.
    7) Do you need an assault rifle to go hunting? You should not own a gun.
    8 ) Do you think having a gun in your house will protect you from “them”? You should not own a gun.
    9) Do you think there is a “them” that you need to protect yourself from? You should not own a gun.
    10) Do you think the second amendment covers any kind of weapon you want to own? You should not own a gun.
    11) Would you limit the first amendment rights of movie makers to make violent films before you would limit the second amendment rights of individuals to own assault weapons? You should not own a gun.”

  2. Sandino, my thoughts exactly.

  3. JJ, no matter where it goes, it can’t be good.

    I had a couple of 11 year old boys myself, not to mention an 11 year old grandson and three 11 year old brothers. Even they, as full grown men now, can’t believe some of the stupid things they thought and did back then.

  4. Living in Central Texas where any gun show is a huge draw, and one of my acquaintances wants to boycott Dicks since that sporting goods chain is no longer carrying Bushmasters, I’ve made an observation.

    We used to have two great motivators:
    Fear and Greed. Now we (and I mean the gun nuts) are motivated by Paranoia and Machismo.

    It’s ugly.

  5. I hope the parents of that 11 year old boy gave him the keys to their car too, so he could drive himself to school. Safer than riding on the bus.

  6. Anybody who knows anything at all about me… knows…. my family is mostly made up of folks of the “male” sex. Great Grands are about in the ratio of 14 guys… 3 girls.

    When my son and daughter-in-law… were young (and so were their kids) I used to stay with the kids on occasion, so the parents could have some time to themselves. Also gave me some time with the grand-kids.

    One weekend, (and he was about 11) one of my grandsons came running in the house. He was upset……He started back outside with his “BB” gun. (Her daddy has a ranch up by Dallas, where he could legally shoot it at bottles and cans).

    I stopped him. Asked what was going on. He was having a disagreement with a neighbor kid.

    I asked him “Do you think the only way to solve your disagreements with ______ is with a gun”? Go put that thing back in your room. Now!

    That’s teevee….. not real life.

    That was the end of it.

    We had a great weekend. Parents did also. To the best of my knowledge, it never ever happened again.

    Not with any of them, when they were 11, or ever.

    That kids parents need some counseling.

  7. Luckily some of them still have some sense. A group of seventh graders went to see The Hobbit down the street from our Dems office yesterday and one of them found a loaded pistol under his seat, loaded, safety off and one in the chamber. He reported it, the gun was removed and the movie went on. Last night a man went to the the theater to see if his gun was found.

    He has a concealed weapon permit so of course, no harm no foul. He owns a local market and has a federal gun dealer license. Hey MAY lose his CWP.

    Doesn’t take much imagination to see how this could have turned out. Must have been worried someone might make fun of a 61 year old seeing The Hobbit. Alone.

  8. It might encourage gun owners to have a fine of $1000 for any weapon found in possession of an unaccompanied minor, to lock up their guns. Sensible gun owners already do this, but the dimwits who don’t ought to be made to have a reason that they might understand.

  9. Can we start framing this debate… for what it is?

    Somebody… if it’s Fienstien…. fine… whomever…. has to introduce a “Massacre Prevention Bill”. That’s what it is.

    Virginia Tech…. massacre
    Tuscon…. massacre
    Ft. Hood….. massacre
    Aurora….. massacre
    Newton….. massacre

    All accomplished…. by automatic weapons, or assault rifles.

    And, some…. I’ve left out. There are just too many.

    Nobody …… and I mean Nobody in this country has the right (guaranteed under the Second Amendment) to commit mass murder?

    So let’s stop tip-toeing around what this is all about.

    Simply stated: Does a person have the right to commit mass murder? And does that right, under the Second Amendment) extend to being able to purchase a weapon that will do so?

    I would prefer to see President Obama do what he is able to do, with Executive Privilege.

    Simply because I know….. A Congress that has been bought and paid for…. by the NRA….. is worthless.

    Ball’s in your court, Mr. President.

  10. gabberflasted says:

    I seem to have read that there are 200 million gun owners in this country and four million NRA members. If this is so, and LaPierre is the one claiming four million members, how is it that 5 percent of the gun owners rule Congress?

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Incredibly brilliant parents. No I am never sarcastic.

  12. The sad thing is, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

  13. Ted Powell says:

    Proof that Concealed Carry permit holders live in a dream world.
    Just watch the video here: http://theimmoralminority.blogspot.ca/2012/12/proof-that-concealed-carry-permit.html

    The controlled study documented in these videos show that concealed carry permit holders are fooling themselves if they think they will be able to react effectively to armed aggressors. Most CCW holders won’t even be able to un-holster their gun. They will more likely be killed themselves or kill innocent bystanders than stop the aggressor.

  14. This child should be removed from the custody of his parents. They either did give him the gun or left it out so that he had easy access. In any case, he isn’t safe in their care. Forget about gun licensing, how about parent licensing!

  15. Add one more to your list, Sandino:

    12) Do you think Ted Nugent is a misunderstood genius? You should not own a gun.
