Well, That Sounds Reasonable
Dr. Ben Carson is plenty upset this morning and you can tell because he’s raised his voice to an audible level.
Carson is claiming that Cruz’s supporters told caucus goers that Carson had dropped out of the race. He presents this evidence.
That was tweeted (or in King’s case, Twited) at 7:20 pm last night – as the caucuses were being called to order.
Carson says he has not, absolutely not, dropped out. Yes, he did go home to Florida yesterday before the caucuses, but it was an emergency.
He needed to change clothes.
“Dr. Ben Carson is not suspending his presidential campaign, which is stronger than ever,” a statement sent out to reporters read. “After spending 18 consecutive days on the campaign trail, Dr. Carson needs to go home and get a fresh set of clothes.”
Heretofore little known fact: they do not have washing machines in Iowa.
Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.