Well, That Didn’t Go Well…

June 06, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

To deflect attention from the fact that virtually no one from the Philadelphia Eagles wanted to visit the WH to celebrate their Super Bowl victory with the worst president in US history, Trump abruptly cancelled the event yesterday, lying on twitter it was because players refused to stand for the anthem.  Lying again by saying that “1,000 Eagles fans” had come to town, Trump slapped together a “patriotic” celebration on the WH south steps with the Marine Band and Army Chorus.  Since there were actually few Eagles fans there, apparently the WH had to hustle up a bunch of staffers to fill out the the crowd on the south lawn.

But the funny part?  Mr. Super Duper Patriot not only doesn’t know the words to the national anthem, he REALLY doesn’t know words to God Bless America.  Have a look, courtesy of The Daily Show:

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