Well Thanks, John

June 07, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

John Cornyn, who tries to stay out of Republican messes and tries to play more middle of the road than a white stripe, is a sneaky little devil.

To his credit, he does put on a good show. When he first ran for office in Texas, he had to convince regular Texans to vote for a guy who worked hard not to be a Texan.  So, he decided to dress like a cowboy. Within one year, he singlehandedly put fringe on the endanger species list.  I don’t think he ever wore a jacket that didn’t have fringe on it.

Well, John’s sneaking around again. Ya know Dr. Mehmet Oz, the Republican nominee for senate in Pennsylvania? Yeah, he’s sneaky, too. He lied about holding duel citizenship with the US and Turkey. He voted in the Turkish elections in 2018 and still has holdings there.

So, Oz and Cornyn have much in common.  Who do you think would spot this?  Yeah, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen.



There ya go. John’s gonna support this rightwing, Trump-lovin’, snake oil salesman but he’s going to try to hide it where most folks never look.  Oz is going to spend his donor money and John’s donor money, but not one damn penny of his own.


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0 Comments to “Well Thanks, John”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Figures he’d support the lizard of Oz.

  2. Does John Fetterman know about Turkey? He could make a great campaign ad with that.

  3. Beststash says:

    Dr. Oz is truly a snake oil salesman and a perfect fit for the GOP (thanks Oprah for this jewel) but Cornyn is a certifiable POS.

    Cornyn is anti-reproductive rights, anti-science, anti-civil rights, and knows if he hides away most of the time that he will get re-elected by the dumbest damn voters “this side of the Pecos”.

  4. Jill Ann says:

    Cornyn’s big electoral advantage in TX is “at least he’s better than Cruz”

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    As repulsive as Cruz is, at least he’s “out” as a complete jerk. Cornyn is as sneaky as Mitch McConnell and just as dangerous. But of course the GOPers hypnotically vote for him every four years!

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Alfredo for US Attorney General. Or auditor of the Pentagon budget. Or the FEC. The QNP fraudsters would be giving breach birth to cows and squealing louder than Devin Nunes if Alfredo was at the FEC holding their grifting paws to the rules.

    H/T Alfredo!

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    So when will the Musk mobile man get into Texas politics? He’s got all the character flaws- like extreme narcissism. Maybe a run for president?
