Well, So Romney Has Something to Hide Besides His Tax Returns

July 20, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I suspect he’s feeling mighty temporary at Republican events.—

Former President George W. Bush will not attend the Republican convention next month in Tampa, POLITICO has learned.

“President Bush was grateful for the invitation to the Republican National Convention,” Bush spokesman Freddy Ford wrote in an e-mail.  “He supports Governor Romney and wants him to succeed. President Bush is confident that Mitt Romney will be a great President. But he’s still enjoying his time off the political stage and respectfully declined the invitation to go to Tampa.”

He’s washing his hair that night.

I dunno, if you’re trying to hide the immediate past Republican President, then maybe your brand is tarnished.

I wonder if Tom DeLay is going?

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0 Comments to “Well, So Romney Has Something to Hide Besides His Tax Returns”

  1. Suzy Allison says:

    Betcha Bill & Hillary are at ours!

  2. Georgie is out trying to promote his great new book – the one trying to give us his sage economical advice – you know, fiction.

  3. Umptydump says:

    Bush’s planned absence tells the story better than any book he could write. Here’s the man who, when he drove the economic buggy right into the ditch when he was president, also headed the Republican Party at the time. Their convention delegates should be grateful for this? And now he proposes that the electorate give the reins back to the Republicans? Pity the poor horses! Animal cruelty!

  4. Sam in Kyle says:

    Tom will be there if the money is right. I’m guessing they will pay him to stay at home under his rock.

  5. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @Cheryl: Using 43’s name and “book” in the same sentence seems incongruous. Sort of like cussing in church.

  6. Bo Leeyeau says:

    Mitt doesn’t wanna talk about Massachusetts, he doesn’t wanna talk about Bain, he doesn’t wanna talk about his taxes, he doesn’t wanna talk about “W”….and the feeling is mutual on that one.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Papa Bush is in a wheelchair. I know he can go anywhere he wants to go but big conventions are pretty tiring for folks in his situation. Bless ’em’s all hearts. I can’t wait to hear what solution Romney and his accountants come up with about the Invisible Tax Returns.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    Okay, I finally read the link. GWB isn’t going to the Republican convention? Hooboy.

  9. He will be ably represented by his former “boss” Dick Cheney. He’ll be there even if the heart they finally gave him fails.

  10. fenway fran says:

    I sure hope Bill and Hill are at ours…I just bought a new camera with 26x zoom so I can take better pix!…saw Bill once, in support of Hill, in OR. Love Bill, the man can work a room, but love Hill even more…Tampa? Look out for hurricanes in August. That’s all I’m sayin.

  11. Gee, and he could have brought Sarah as his “plus one.”

  12. Connie Grubaugh says:

    I saw George Worthless Bush on tv talking about not going and I thought he was either drunk or on drugs
