Well, Sex and Guns All In One Neat Package

February 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bob Simonson is the police chief in Amanosa, Iowa, and fancies himself a real man’s man.

The city of Amanosa recently had to pay a $750,000 settlement to a former police officer.

Former Anamosa police officer Amy Ford this week shared some emails sent by Simonson with KCRG in which he made multiple crude and racist comments that included “a joke making fun of Asian accents and likens a sexual position to a Chinese food menu.” According to Ford, the emails were sent to officers in the department as well as to at least one member of Amanosa’s city council.

So there you have the sex part.  The gun part is that he recently shot himself in the foot, literally, with an AR15 slung over his shoulder in that real tough guy kind of way.  It went off and shot his own damn foot.

So now you have both the sex and the gun part.  Here’s the unbelievable part:  he still has a job.  Nope, he has not been fired.

Here’s Ole Bob.


I guess he still has the AK15.

Thanks to Pia for the heads up.

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