Well See, That’s The Problem …

October 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think we’ve finally found the source of the problem in Washington, DeeCee.

Its not the well-known three branches of government … it’s the fourth branch.

Screen Shot 2013-10-09 at 9.08.14 AMRep. Markwayne Mullin made the case for cooperation among the branches of government in the debt ceiling and shutdown fight– all four of them.

“This country isn’t ran by just one individual it’s ran by four branches, but three branches that are in control of this,” Mullin said Tuesday. “As long as those three branches control it, then we all have to figure out how to negotiate. Not all of us is going to get 100% of what we want, but we should do what’s right.”

Well, yeah, that’s the whole problem.  If we would just let the fourth branch of government – the Department of Republican Ego – run things, there would not be a problem.

The downside is that Rick Perry can’t remember three things and this fourth things is going to put big ole blank jumping places in his brain.

Yeah, Markwayne Mullin is a Republican.  And yes, he is from Oklahoma.  And yes, he is blissfully unaware of verb conjugation.  He does seem, however, particularly enamored of lapel pins.

Thanks to Sandy for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well See, That’s The Problem …”

  1. They can’t even spell Constitution, much less understand it.

  2. I have only one thing to say (if I can catch my breath after reading the most God-awful recitation from a member of Congress):

    You cannot fix Stupid!

  3. I think politicians at all levels should be required to take (a year long) Civics and American Government classes the year before running for office and pass them with a minimum of 95%. They should all be required to take refresher courses every two years after that if they want to stay in office.

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I like your idea, glf. I also read a lot of books and yesterday put a new one back in the RETURN pile because the author was talking about “register” when he should have been saying “registrar”. The author of a published novel which hadn’t been edited, maybe, didn’t know the difference between “register” and “registrar”. I think our country is going downhill fast.

  5. This shows just how incompetent the teabaggers really are.
    They should have to show a level of competence before taking office, hell before they even run for office.
    They want the schools to jump through hoops to show children’s competence and then they have this doofus saving there are 4 branches of government.

  6. Don’t you have to sign your name to register to run for public office? There’s a questionable form on file somewhere in OK.

  7. Mike and glf are both correct. The politicians also need some grammar lessons.

    Mullin apparently considers the Tea Party as the fourth branch.

  8. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Obviously this guy doesn’t believe in education – public or private.

    I bet he home schooled himself.

  9. There are so many reasons to curl up in a ball after that recitation. The plundering of the english language (does verb tense mean nothing anymore)? And of course, the certain knowledge that Markwayne skipped every civics class he ever had to go lean against the bleachers and have a smoke.

  10. John Peter Henson says:

    I was looking closely at one of those pins…? Canadian and American flags? Maybe the fourth branch is Canada….

  11. I just read on Wikipedia that Markwayne (in the South we would have separated those names but still always used them together) is a Pentecostal. Says it right there. Well why bother to include that little tidbit? I knew that before I ever went to reading about him. Then you have that post about Silly Louie. And, GET THIS, I just read that Michelle Duggar is trying to get pregnant – TRYING TO GET PREGNANT. Well I’m out of here for today. Can’t take anymore long-haired, bug-eyed, grammar-mutilating, civics-challenged Pentecostals.

  12. Well, the Kochs are the de facto fourth branch of our government. Nice of Markwayne to inadvertently admit what we have known for some time now.

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    From his bio on house.gov: (he) “went to college on a wrestling scholarship before returning home to run the family business.”

    It doesn’t say from which college he flunked out.

  14. They may not be able to spell “Constitution,” but that hasn’t stopped them from rewriting it to suit themselves.

    Same with the Bible.

  15. O.K. Taco Bell has “fourth meal”.

    This dimwit has “fourth branch”.

    He probably thinks that Tea Party is a branch of the government.

    Maybe he’s been dropped on his head too much with the wrestling.

  16. I thought it was obvious that the 4th branch of government is the lobbyists.

  17. TexasEllen says:

    As a Texan, I’m just grateful he’s not one of Texas’ embarrassment of Republican congressvarmints.

  18. Ah yes, a wrestling scholarship. That answers one question, now what about the morons who
    voted for him? What’s their excuse?

  19. Texas_PAL says:

    He has a Facebook page…I just thanked him for making Texas look smart.

  20. Ma Joad was way smarter than this cracker!

  21. I am Native American, and thankfully I am from New York, not Oklahoma. MarkWayne Mullin is a member of the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma. He is one of just *two* Native American representatives in congress. The other American Indian is congressman Tom Cole, also of Oklahoma. These tools are both Republicans. I and other Natives are ashamed of sellouts like Mullin and Cole. The GOP has bought them, and parades them around as examples of their “outreach” to candidates of Native heritage. Please Democrats — Do some serious recruiting and give us some *real* Native representation in Congress, instead of these Republican apples.

  22. I don’t know about a “wrestling scholarship”, but he sure wrestles with the English language.

    After Ms. J’s comment, I thought that maybe he just didn’t have access to a good public education. And maybe he didn’t, but he graduated from Stillwell High School; that’s a town I have at least heard of.

    The most telling part of his biography is this, taken from his Wiki entry:

    Despite his vocal opposition to the “physically fit” receiving government assistance,[6] and description of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 as a “horrible waste of tax dollars”, Mullin’s plumbing business took approximately $370,000 of government funds from that program.

    Another one of *those* conservative, personal responsibility republicans.

  23. @Timbo – Mullin was elected with strong Tea Party backing and the district he represents is about 71% white. He is against “government”. Period. But of course, he is paid by the taxpayers now and has no problem accepting a bought-by-Republicans federal job which pays him well and gives him the opportunity to destroy benefits for those who are less well-off. He has voted against bills that would help his own Native people, like the Violence Against Women Act which had strong implications for Native women on reservations. Like I said: Mullin is a tool of the GOP — a true “token” if ever there was one.

  24. @Ralph Wiggam, you wondered about his college; I wondered about the family business. It was answered later in the comments — plumbing. Gee Whiz. He had a job where he had to know … stuff … about something. Now he’s in a job where he doesn’t know … stuff … about anything else.
