Well, Maybe a Fundraiser at The Bowling Alley?

September 20, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Sometimes you come upon an idea so wonderful, so sweet, that you stand in amazement that somebody didn’t think of it before now.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Authorities say security for last weekend’s canceled Quran burning at a central Florida church cost around $200,000. City officials say they expect the church to pay.

Police Maj. Rick Hanna said more than 200 officers were on duty last weekend patrolling the church, the University of Florida football game and “soft targets” like the mall. Another 160 sheriff’s deputies were also working because of the planned protest at Dove World Outreach Center.

“Life would be so much better if stupid was painful and grandstanding cost money,” Juanita told me this morning.

I kinda agree.

(I want to thank Cheboygan Carl for this heads-up.  It ain’t everybody who has a friend in Cheboygan.)

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