Well, Let’s Talk About Your Testicles
Late last week Illinois Republican Rep. John Shimkus got steamed at Pennsylvania Democrat Mike Doyle.
Shimkus was powerfully upset with the “mandate” in Obamacare that men have to pay for pre-natal care. I suspect that’s because in Republican-World, men don’t have anything at all to do with pregnancy nor do they benefit in any manner whatsoever in healthy women or healthy babies.
Democrat Doyle pointed out that there is no such thing as a la carte insurance and that insurance companies don’t give you a list of what you want covered. But, hollers Shimkus, that’s what I want! He wants people to be able to negotiate with the insurance companies for what things they want covered.
That’s stoopid. There are diseases and viruses that don’t even have names yet. Plus, can you even imagine – “Yes, you are covered if you get struck by lightening but not if your friends gets struck by lightening and then touches you. There is no touch clause in you policy.”
Republicans are idiots. Idiots with testicles that I should not have to pay for. Welcome to reality, Mr. Shimkus, your insurance premium on testicular cancer just doubled.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.