Well, Let’s See. First We Tell Them It’s a Taco Party, Then We Get a Big Net …

June 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney has no idea what he’ll do about immigration, but he promises that he’s thinking real hard and will come up with something by … oh say, early next spring.  This solution stuff is hard.

Mitt Romney has had a lot to say about immigration the past few days, but what he has said adds up to a giant question mark. Rarely has a candidate had as many opportunities to clarify or recalibrate his position on a vital issue, and rarely has a candidate passed up those opportunities as consistently as the former governor.

Well, we do know he’s against the Dream Act because as he said during the debates against Rick Perry, “it makes no sense.”   Children who were brought here by no choice of their own should not be educated or allowed to succeed because “it makes no sense.”

And we’re pretty sure he’s against just shooting everybody with brown skin, but I can’t swear to that.

His idea about “self-deportation” didn’t catch-on as well as he expected, even when he threw in a free ticket to horse dancing as incentive.

I want to be honest here.  Presidential candidates with secret plans scare the crap outta me.  They do.  So, maybe it’s just me who is concerned.

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