Well, It’s a Well Run Campaign – Midget, Broom and Whatnot.

March 08, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Kesha Rogers


Kesha Rogers is a Lyndon LaRoucheian running as a Democrat for CD22 in Texas.

Juanita says this is happening as punishment from God for me saying that nothing could be worse than Nick Lampson running again.  This, truly, is worse.

Now, Kesha is gung-ho about slamming the Democratic Party every chance she gets.  She apparently, while running under the Democratic ticket, hates Democrats worse than Karl Rove does.

“Up until last Friday night, I thought Kesha’s favorite drink was Kool Aid,” Juanita says.  “But, Honey, she can down that free Democratic beer.  Here’s a picture of her at the Harris County Democratic Kickoff drinking the free beer like she was planning to use her bladder to float the battleship Texas.”

“I know the picture isn’t very good, because every time she saw me, she ran the other way.  I tend to have that effect on noncompoops,” Juanita observes.

“So her platform seems to be ‘Democrats, NO!  Free beer, YES!’  I think Junior Janochek, Jr., ran under than platform back in Junior College,” Juanita recalls.  “He wasn’t a serious candidate either.”

My buddy Hal has a plan to keep Kesha out of consideration this November.  I have another plan to have some fun with her until then.  Stay tuned – it’s coming together.


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