Well, It Didn’t Exactly Work Out That Way

December 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes Rick Perry’s ego is bigger than his brain.  Okay, not sometime, pretty much all the time.

When he started this “Any Ole Boy Down At the Icehouse Can Be President World Tour” thing, he said of the tax dollars he was spending for security

“I’m going to be promoting Texas,” Perry said in July, as he began to traverse the country. “I’m going to be traveling to places where the Texas story needs to be told, and we will tell it.”

Democratic State Representative Jessica Farrar, who is one of my favorite people for many reasons, one of them being her uncanny ability to see the obvious, replied that Perry’s travels have been more of a black eye for Texas than a benefit. She said the governor deserves to have state-provided security but said he should use some of the $17 million he has reported raising for his campaign to help defray the costs.

“If he’s promoting Texas, he’s been an embarrassment,” Farrar said. “He could have paid for this out of campaign funds, especially given that he’s asked the Texas taxpayers to tighten their belts. “

From September to mid-December of this year, Perry’s out of state security has cost Texas taxpayers more than $1.4 million.  We’re firing teachers and have a shortage of cops.

I guess I’m saying that Rick Perry needs more of those teachers and fewer of those cops.

Since he started running for President, Americans now have to look at the actual statistics to see that Mississippi is dumber than Texas.  You cannot tell that by listening to our Governor.

Rick, come home where we are perfectly willing to spend $10,000 a month to hide you out in a gated community away from the spotlight or the Governor’s mansion.

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