Well, Isn’t This a Pretty Little Package

September 09, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jerry Falwell was one of the first evangelicals to endorse Trump and after that, they just lined up to become enamored about Trump and bask in all the publicity and White House photos that followed their endorsement.

Falwell was the leader of the Trump Jesus Parade.

Wanna know how that happened?

Michael Cohen.  Cohen had copies of the photos.

Now Cohen has confirmed in his book, Disloyal: The Memoir, that he was called in to “kill” the photos that the Falwells were being blackmailed with

“In good time, I would call in this favor, not for me, but for the Boss, at a crucial moment on his journey to the presidency,” Cohen wrote in his book.

Cohen wrote that he convinced Falwell to support Trump just before the Iowa caucuses in 2016, shoring up essential evangelical support at the early primary at a time when Trump’s credibility among Christian voters was low.

And he’s gonna drain the swamp.  And people actually believe him.

There are just a handful of people who have more dirt on Trump than he has on them.  Putin, of course. Jerry Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell. Jared Kushner. Any I missed?


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