Well, Isn’t That Convenient?

May 08, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

From the Quorum Report tonight.  Remember the Dallas hairdresser who got herself a trip to the pokey for contempt of court?

Well, ….


It was a publicity stunt from the start. I’m sure the big media will have it tomorrow.


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0 Comments to “Well, Isn’t That Convenient?”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, “I’m sure the big media will have it tomorrow.” Ya’ll gonna need a cheek massage after typing that.

    Best part of the interwebs is that we do not need the media.

    Lock her up, or at least do our best to stop her fraud: https://www.wikihow.com/Report-GoFundMe-Fraud

  2. And of course Mr. Publicity, Ted Cruz stopped in for a haircut. Looks like Ted gets the 2 for 1 Reopening Special – – a trim & a stunt.

  3. And, of course, Sarah Palin, got herself right down there for the photo op. Tough to be so completely forgotten, I guess.

  4. Grifters gotta grift.

  5. Sandridge says:

    Dang, I just saw a local teevee ‘news’ segment on this, with detesTed Cruz getting a haircut by this b—-. Damned straight, the whole scheme was just another ‘ratfucking’ ploy, watch for many many more to come before 3 Nov.

    Speaking of electioneering stuff– I’ve started to see a lot of very slick tRump ads, Parscale has shifted into high gear.
    These Orwellian ads are almost 100% lies, bullshit, and deception, but they are going to be -very effective- on Joe/Joan Sixpack.
    When TF are the Democrats going to get ahead of the curve and blitzkrieg the media with a massive election effort, top to bottom?
    We simply have to bury these vermin everywhere this time, there will be no future chance. As current events make plain, our democratic republic is nearly over, if we fail… [again, our biggest failure of all were the 2010 decennial elections].

  6. slipstream says:

    75,000 dead. And Trump again said the virus will “go away without a vaccine.”

    We are all doomed.


  7. Sandridge says:

    slipstream @6, Well damn, slipstream, get with the program. SOBOTUS has never ever misled or lied to us before, has he?

    250,000-400,000 minimum, dead by Labor Day, after a huge ‘post-reopening’ surge occurs.
    I’m seeing lots of news clips of hordes of people gathering now, as if there just isn’t a deadly ‘invisible enemy’ enveloping the air they breathe. Insane.
    [After a fairly rigorous personal educational path [emph on math, sci, biology], I ‘helped’ my 1st ex though nursing school and was fascinated by the ‘sepsis/antisepsis, microbes, vectors, etc’ stuff. It left me a borderline ocd cleanfreak.
    There’s trillions of microbes around us, a small percentage can be deadly, their numbers and lethality have just gone way up. Yeah, pay no mind, just ignore them… :[

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    slipstream and Sandridge, we live near a ghost town. Since the effective closure of CA and NV, traffic has been nearly non-existent. Then both states announced a “phase 1” loosening of restrictions. The observations are not good. The crazy covidiots have sprung from their hidey holes like a locust invasion. Two states worth of st00pid indicating that the numbers now projected for a second round of the Commander Clorox Crud will be a magnitude of a million.

  9. Yep – just read about that today. A right-wing group put her up to the whole thing. Got her to follow their plan.

  10. Sandridge says:

    Jane & PKM, slipstream, and everybody,

    Now the USA = Trumpassic Park . Welcome!
    [only a few of you will be eaten, honest, just trust me, down to zero in a couple weeks, really… be sure to buy your T-Brand licensed ‘survivor’ t-shirt and hat today, before it’s too late…] —

    A brilliant satire:

  11. Thank you Sandridge, for Trumpassic Park!

    Isn’t it worth it? To sit in a football stadium this fall with 80,000 other people? What are the odds you’d catch anything there? Or visit a dinosaur park and see a real live velociraptor, look! Right over ther…

  12. Sandridge@10:
    Thank you for that.
    And for everything else you bring to the conversation in this joint on a daily basis.
    I love this joint.

  13. Sandridge says:

    Rick @11, P.P. @12, Ghwarsh, thanks guys, I luvs this joint too, good fun, satire, info…
    I snorked my drink on reading Rick’s: “…see a real live velociraptor, look! Right over ther…”, chomp!.
    Thought of ‘Trumpassic Park’ a couple weeks ago, on reading that great Greaves article it was a ‘perfect’ match.

    We need to bend the ‘public perception’ in people’s lives to equate ‘Velociraptors =with= Republicans’. After all, they have some amazing similarities: they’re both lethal, vicious, swift, tribal, hunt their prey [you] in cohesive packs, spare no ‘others’, most have tiny brains, etc., but Rs are not silent.
    Although the Republiraptors are more after your assets not your ass, and your subjugation. They’re large quick numerous vermin, let’s exterminate them all in November.

  14. @Sandridge I hate to predict what the deaths will be by Labor Day, because if you say 250,000 and it’s only 249,983, Trump will declare that he has saved more lives than any other president. But obviously the goal is to make 3000 American deaths each day the new normal. I sure hope that as this virus burns into small town and rural America, a few of his less crazy supporters realize just how badly they have been conned.
