Well, I’m Glad That’s Settled

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Walker

Phew!  I was very worried that we weren’t going to war with Iran.

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And by the first day, he means on the first day he’s gonna press every red button he can get his grubby little finger on.  Hell, he’s gonna have one installed on the Bible he swears on.

I believe that a president shouldn’t wait to act until they put a cabinet together or an extended period of time, I believe they should be prepared to act on the very first day they take office,” he said. “It’s very possible, God forbid that this would happen, but very possible, that the next president could be called to take aggressive actions, including military actions, on their very first day in office.”

Yes, sireeee.  Apparently only real pussies wait until after the inaugural balls.  Walker has plans to boldly invade Iran himself.  Screw a cabinet, a secretary of state, a congress … Walker is gonna land on the deck of aircraft carrier with a big “Screw the Damn Mission; I’m Going This Alone” banner.

It’ll be cool.  He promises.


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