Well, I Hope It Works Better Than His Whole Pray For Rain Thing. The Drought Got Worse After That.

June 06, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Rick Perry is having a Prayapolooza just 20 miles from where I’m sitting.

Officially titled “The Response, a Call to Prayer for a Nation in Crisis,” Perry’s Pray-n-Fast will take place in Houston and be “a non-denominational, apolitical Christian prayer meeting” featuring both governors and alt-governors (“Christian political leaders”).

Now, here’s the deal.  It has to be Pray-n-Fast because Perry’s too cheap to spring for food.  And I suspect the guy who can turn a basket of fish and bread into feeding a crowd would not be caught dead within a zillion miles of this event.

It’s gonna be held in Reliant Stadium. Here’s a picture of Reliant Stadium.  The Texans play there and , like Perry, they are not very good at what they do either.

But, I suspect this is a good place to have the Pray-n-Fast because just like football, this is an exhibition sport.

You know, if we could pray our roads fixed, our children educated, our airplanes landing safely, and Grandma’s failing eyesight to magically heal, I’d be there myself on my knees.  But, instead, Rick Perry and his corporate buddies will tell poor people that they don’t need health care if they have Jeeeesus, and education is nothing because the Bible has all the answers, and working from dawn to dusk seven days a week is what they should do because work honors God.  And then they’ll pass the plate for these folks to contribute to Perry’s Presidential run.

Matthew 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

Thanks to Elizabeth for the heads-up.

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