Well, I Guess That Would Be One Way To Fix Politics …

June 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… but probably not the best way.

He’s running for Governor, y’all. Governor of Missouri. I’ve been to Missouri. I like Missouri. I have wonderful friends in Missouri. For the life of me I cannot figure out how blowing up crap is gonna help Missouri.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, I Guess That Would Be One Way To Fix Politics …”

  1. Bob in Bartlett says:

    If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Apparently, the only thing he took away from his SEAL training was the idea that every problem could be solved with a gun. Shades of Hollywood Westerns! Oy!

  2. Marge Wood says:

    I think his theme is “fire away!” and he’s proud of it. I sure wouldn’t like to live next door to him.

  3. Ready, fire, aim.

  4. There are those that create and those that destroy. He’s just showing you which one he is.

  5. Larry from Colorado says:

    Since I’ve been retired from the Air Force 32 years, I don’t remember the rules on using your military background in politics, but that stinks.

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    He’s lucky he didn’t lose a leg.

    When they tell you who they are, believe them.

    Don’t elect this guy.

  7. He seems nice.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Traitor Tom Cotton is the poster boy for all nut job snacilbupeR special snowflakes. McCain only crashed planes. These new age flacks for killing crashed their brains.

  9. slipstream says:

    Can we ask him to go hunting with Dick Cheney?

  10. Wasn’t there some idiot who said that her skill at castrating pigs was going to guide her path into making politics better for everyone? That made no more sense than this, and that damn fool got elected. But then so did Louie. So much in life is inexplicable.

  11. Mike in MO says:

    When you really care, say it with gunfire.

  12. Rastybob says:

    Him and Gohmert together in DC. What could go wrong.?

  13. AliceBeth says:

    He did not even mention who he was going to shoot. What kind of candidate does not name the enemy? Is he supposed to make us feel safe? Damn those MO politicians are just as bad as those we have in TN.

  14. That’s sooo very sick.
    And so very very sad to see.

  15. SEALs lead extraordinarily stressful lives. When they retire they must miss all the stress they are use to, so they go and engender some out of thin air just to make themselves fell comfortable! God, I hope this is not so, but just looking at and listening to this guy makes my theory plausible!

  16. Fred Farklestone says:

    Polite Kool Marxist,
    Every time I read Cotton’s name or see his face, I just can’t resist posting this photo of Cotton looking quite the man!


  17. WA Skeptic says:

    @Fred Farklestone says: in that photo he looks as gormless as a newborn camel. Too bad he is such a traitor to our country. Did he shoot up things in his campaign ads too?

    (“Gormless”–an old English insult meaning lacking in vitality or intelligence; stupid, dull, or clumsy.)

  18. Yep. Perfectly gormless. Miz Lindsey and McConnell are his similarly gormless brothers.

  19. Marcia in CO says:

    @ Rhea … yes, that was Joanie Ernst cutting the balls off pigs … I think she was thinking she’d do the same in DeeCee.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Ivana Kuturnutzov may have practiced female circumcision on herself-she is utterly humorless.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, Marcia in CO and e platypus onion, to me Ivana Kuturnutzov is a major disappointment. She promised to make them squeal. She promised. Until she stands up displaying the offending shriveled nut sacks of McTurtle, Lyin’ Ryan and the rest of the snacilbupeR traitors, she has a campaign promise to keep. Albeit, the soundtrack of them squealing cannot be worse than the Joni Ernst laugh. Please, I beg you, if anyone links to her laughing, warn us.

    Maybe she will redeem herself in Cleveland and fix Donnie Drumpf. We do not need him importing any more wives or producing any more entitled welfare mooching heirs. Fix the immigration problem, Donnie. Stop marrying. Better yet, ZPG yourself, Donnie. You had a brother and have a sister; you are excess.

  22. two crows says:

    I used to live in Missouri. For 21 years, I lived 3 blocks from the circus tent that is Kansas though, ironically, I was in the bluest corner of the state.
    We sent Reverend Emanuel Cleaver to Congress 8 times while I lived there. Remember him? He’s the black man who was spat on on the Capitol steps during the Obamacare riots.

    My point here is this: Missouri IS crazy enough to elect this man. Really. It is.

    I would say I’m glad I got out of the state except for one small matter: I moved to Florida.

    I’m having my very own Rick Perry moment.

  23. Whatever he intends to shoot I’ll bet it’s something that can’t shoot back.

  24. LynnN, you nailed it at “ready, fire, aim”!

  25. My first cousin’s brother in-law is Chris Koster, the current Missouri Attorney General and the Democratic nominee (he was unopposed) for Missouri Governor. I graduated from the St. Louis Police Academy in 1977, so I can’t wait to talk to him about the Ferguson debacle if I can ever get through to him. I contacted his campaign asking to interview him for LGBT media, but did not disclose our familial connection, so have not been able to nail him down for an interview. It has been my experience, however, as a cop in that state, that People in the Show Me State have always been a tad off-kilter, but mostly decent, hard-working folks.

    Chris was a snacilbupeR until a few years ago, when he realized the crazies had taken over the asylum and there was no room left for moderate, socially liberal people in the party, so he switched. He’s an honest, community-minded young man, and I am hopeful that he will win out over the “ready, fire, aim” crowd and restore a bit of sanity to the governor’s office.

  26. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @ Slipstream#9- Yes. Not advocating violence here, but only if Deadeye Dickless improves his aim and starts carrying something more hard-hitting than that effete multi-thousand dollar Italian 28 bore he shot his lawyer friend in the face with.

  27. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @ Rabblerouser#25- Helpful I, believe, to remember that Jesse James, the outlaw, came from Missouri.
