Well, I Don’t Agree With The Notion That You’re a Human Being

May 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Marco Rubio is hugging the rightwing wall and leaving scratch marks.

“I don’t agree with the notion that some are putting out there, including scientists, that somehow there are actions we can take today that would actually have an impact on what’s happening in our climate,” he said on ABC’s “This Week.”

Screen Shot 2014-05-11 at 7.12.34 PMI wonder, does he realize that if scientists are saying it, it’s probably not a notion.  It’s like saying, “Despite what scientists say, I still believe the moon is made of green cheese.”  Or maybe it’s made of Republican brains because apparently there’s none on this planet.

“Our climate is always changing. And what they have chosen to do is take a handful of decades of research and say that this is now evidence of a longer-term trend that’s directly and almost solely attributable to manmade activity, I do not agree with that.”

Well hell, son, I don’t agree with gravity but if I fall down, it still hurts my butt.

We’ve entered the minus IQ points level.


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0 Comments to “Well, I Don’t Agree With The Notion That You’re a Human Being”

  1. Angelo_Frank says:

    If the fossil fuel lobbyists told Marco that is was safe to drink straight 30-weight oil he would blurt that out to the media.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Marco Rubio = Shill. Bought and paid for whore.

  3. “Our climate has always changed.” Boy, I wish I had a mammoth for every time somebody dragged that line out.

    And every time I look at the source and think: ignorant or bought off? Kind of obvious in this case. Whorin’ just as hard as he can.

  4. What juicy stuff does the rightwing have on this guy? I think it goes something like this: if you don’t do what we tell you then we will open that can of worms you thought you hid so good and let it all out in the sunlight. Marco, I can smell your flop sweat from here.

  5. Miss Prissybritches says:


  6. Tom Blue says:

    I don’t agree with this notion that gravity is forcing us to stay on the ground. The Obama minions are restricting our Gawd-given freedom to fly anywhere the free market takes us. It’s a plot by the gay agenda to take away our guns and put us all in a FEMA camp.

  7. Yeah, 7 billion plus people doing things that generate heat and dump enormous amounts of chemicals in our air and water couldn’t possibly affect the climate.

    Apparently Rubio is still doing penance with the base for very briefly supporting immigration reform.

  8. TexasEllen says:

    Rubio’s coat of arms? Willful ignorance rampant on a field of flop sweat.

  9. Fred Farklestone says:

    Just think, even before Rubio was sworn into the Senate, the right-wing media was claiming he was presidential timber!

  10. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Well it is a doozy, but I am just finishing a book written on the very subject of “manufactured” ignorance with the mouthful one-word title of “Agnotology,” by a Stanford professor named Proctor. The field of ignorance, both made up for various nefarious purposes and just straight-up ignorance is his field of study and I mean to tell you it is fascinating. I did learn this: the very “scientist-whores” that the tobacco company used beginning in the 1950s to create doubt/ignorance about the idea that cigarettes were harmful moved right over in the 1980s when that battle was finally lost and became the scientists who manufacture “research” about climate change. There is one institute that the rightwing funds that gives them their talking points.

  11. In the modern Republican Party, ignorance is a virtue and knowledge is a vice.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    ….and yet we have all this empirical wingnut evidence(hearsay) that trickle down economics works for all and cutting taxes results in higher tax revenues.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Rubio and his ilk started a new society of the uneducated class called “Illiterarti”. Their motto is “We’re dumb,we know it,we’ll open our mouths and show it!”

  14. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    One of the benefits of being at the Penn Snake Yewniversity is getting to hear people like Richard Alley and Mike Mann, bumping into them at farmers’ markets, knowing their colleagues, etc. (I get great lamb sausage from a member of the Geology Department.) I didn’t have to put out a lot of effort to learn the basics of climate science. Every single objection that any right-wing nutcase politician has said in denial of climate science demonstrates that they couldn’t find the truth with both hands and a flashlight and wouldn’t recognize it if they bumped into it on their way to the next fund raiser. What they manage to demonstrate is the same thing that I thought about the clowns who ran Enron into the ground and their partners in the banks that melted down to produce the current recession — They are all either liars or totally incompetent. It’s their job to know this stuff and they try to claim that they didn’t know what was happening. Same for Rubio and his ilk — they are either liars or they are stupid.

  15. maryelle says:

    Maybe Marco is dehydrated again and needs to swill more bottled water in front of a camera. Otherwise, he’s just batcrap crazy.

  16. The same day he spouted that feigned stupidity, there was a bit on the tele about the Dust Bowl of the ’30s. Caused by poor farming practices. By people. Um hm.

  17. Rubymay says:

    e platypus onion — you’re exactly right, and that’s what scare me the most. I don’t know when gross stupidity became a virtue and a political asset. I wonder what Thomas Jefferson would think about a world turned upside down.

  18. Holy Grail, we need graphics. The thirsty Marco needs to be likened to a Rottweiler at a water dish. While the noble Rottweiler is simply thirsty, Marco needs water for his parched lying lips.

    Holy Grail dude, unless you are First Nation, you are like the rest of us, an immigrant.

    A sound immigration policy that honors the First Nations first for once, recognizes the students who come here to receive an education and are willing to remain as entrepreneurs, while we need to be fully cognizant of those deserving political refugee status, we cannot forget the families who have done the nation’s chores.

    Marco, as a fellow immigrant, why are you so UN-American on immigration policy? Thirsty Boy, you are so bought and sold, you need to come to podium drinking Koch, not water. There are punks, then there are opportunistic punks like you.

  19. Zyxomma says:

    Rubymay, great reference. Love history!
