Well, How About YOUR Life, John? Your Life Would Be Fine With Me.

December 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn has always been a jerk but the day that Ted Cruz stunned everyone and won the Texas GOP primary against a moderate Republican, they took Cornyn down to Wildeyes River and baptized him.  Two or three times.  They also knocked his head on some river rocks a couple of times.

I am glad to report that he is no longer a jerk.  He is a full fledged dead solid perfect lunatic with a cherry on top.

Get this.

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Not on my life, John?  Since when did you care about my life?  If you cared, you’d care that people could afford health insurance or that someone with a pre-existing condition  could actually see a doctor without bankrupting herself or the state’s medical funds.

Kiss my big blue butt, John.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, How About YOUR Life, John? Your Life Would Be Fine With Me.”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Being baptized is okay. Some baptized folks even have good sense, hard as that is to believe, sometimes. Being inspired by Ted Cruz is NOT okay. Brrrr.

  2. Corinne Sabo says:

    My friend’s sister has several pre-existing onditions and can now get insurance.
    What’s wrong with Cornyn can’t be fixed.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    They needed to baptize him a lot longer, holding him under water a lot longer till the spirit moved him … or left him … whichever came first!!

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    If Rick Santorum were president and if you were his brand of Christian, he’d hold a bake sale for you, as if your doctor/hospital might accept the proceeds from a few hundred pies.

    Problem with the squirrel based Congress varmints and presidential wannabees is they view us as being the squirrels they are. You know, feed a squirrel and they quit fending for themselves. They really are that simplistic in their pretzel logic. But they may be on to something. If we quit feeding their pensions and perks, maybe they will go to work and pass some legislation, including the legislation for which President Obama was elected.

  5. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I registered and enrolled in only a few minutes on line. I don’t see the problem. What I see is that I will have insurance for the first time in 10 years.

    Once again the Republicans are seeing problems where I see solutions.

  6. Poor choice of words. Hope he has to eat them when the ACA takes off.

  7. Kate Dungan says:

    *the Republicans are seeing problems where I see solutions.*

    Perfectly put, Ralph Wiggam!

  8. Crude comment to follow:
    Make that a french kiss with lots of lingering tongue.
    I have tried for hours to come up with a polite responce.
    One can’t fix stupid, and that’s all cornyn is — stupid.
    I apologize for the limits to my expressiveness, why can’t cornyn apologize for the limits to his intellect and judgement.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Tippecanoe and Tyler Too” American politics loves slogans and bumper stickers, so I’ll propose one: “Blank and Blank Republicants.” No, the blanks are not for expletives either deleted or implied. It’s BLANK for the Paul Ryan written with invisible ink budget, if written budget, proposals and blank for the GOP ideas to improve the ACA or another plan for health care reform.

    While the ACA isn’t perfect, it does cover pre-existing conditions, require insurance companies to actually spend revenue on health care, and otherwise provide health care to millions, among just a few of the improvements. It is a step forward.

    Unfortunately the GOP is beholden to their corporate sponsors and cannot suggest the the easy and logical next step, or toss them a bone and call it a repair to Obamacare. Sad, but simple, even so simple as we could possibly explain the math to Ted Cruz, take the two words [over 65] out of Medicare.

    The Party of Blank & Blank could even bill it as “support” of the troops. Veterans could seek treatment at the nearest hospital, not those often hundreds of miles from their homes. And hey, all those pork belly Congress varmints could actually have their citizens using the boondoggle VA facilities that were built for the critters bringing home the pork, having nothing to do with veteran care.

    Come to me John, let me whisper in your ear like Ed Rollins did for the moron from Michigan. Karl Rove did it for Bush the Shrub. Give me a chance, John, it’s worth a shot because anything else you say and do cannot make you out to look like a bigger joke than you are.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    Thanks, Corinne Sabo. You are quite right. Bless his heart.

  11. I am predicting that this is just the beginning of Cornyn’s meltdown. Glen Beck has been busy trying to find someone to run in the GOP primary against Cornyn. Cornyn is scared of a tea party primary opponent. Even a weak tea party candidate could be a problem for Cornyn

  12. JJ’s baptism scene reminds me of a card I saw: If you feel stressed, imagine that you’re lying in the grass next to a cool bubbling stream. Now imagine that you’re on your knees holding a certain person’s head under the water. Let ’em up for a just a moment to get a breath and then wham, back down in the water, over and over…. Now don’t you feel less stressed?

  13. Poor John! Capable of long running “corn” which is just about what you would expect from a “nyn”ie! Jehosophat! These guys are enough to make Jesus weep!

  14. e platypus onion says:

    Yesterday I saw a report saying wingnuts are gonna start proposing their own healthcare plan to replace the ACA,after the first of the year. Apparently they are getting nervous that the ACA websie is vastly improved and people will really like it . Of course the whole idea of wingnuts is to replace government run healthcare with much more expensive privatized medicine. Been there,done that,rejected ie. Rinse and repeat.

  15. @ Rhea,
    I saw a similar statement and it was shared amid some work friends–we all had someone who would have been voted off the island the first week of knowing her.

    So whenever Kim found me listening to “Relaxing ocean sounds” CD, she knew I was really wanting to drown our problem child.

  16. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Anyone know anything about the Democrats’ candidate against Cornyn? All I know is that she is from El Paso, is an attorney, and may even be Hispanic…. looks to be mid-30’s. Her Dad, also an attorney in El Paso has committed to take the year off to help her with fundraising, among other things. Her name is Maxie Schell, or something like that. You know…. Cornyn did such a crackerjack job heading up the 2012 Republican Senate Campaign Committee, losing to all those wonderful women candidates nationally, I hope this woman takes him to the mat. It is only a matter of time before he makes some stupid remark that she will hopefully pounce upon, and we’ll be done with the twit in the Howdy Doody costume.
