Well, Here’s What Gets You Thrown Off Rightwing Radio

May 31, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Glenn Beck.

Conservative host Glenn Beck has been suspended by SiriusXM satellite radio for agreeing with an author who asked hypothetically “what patriot will step up” to remove Republican Donald Trump from office if he’s elected president and oversteps his authority.

Hey, wait a minute.  They say that crapola all the damn time about President Obama and all they get for that is a raise.

He off the radio for a whole week.  A. Whole. Week.  And Sirius says they are “evaluating” Beck’s place in their line up.  They did not mention a handslap, but that’s probably on the table, too.

However, this isn’t the first time Beck has been in trouble.

Beck created a subscription website and a syndicated radio network after leaving his Fox News television program in 2011. Beck’s show on Fox ended amid a boycott of advertisers after Beck said Democratic President Barack Obama had “a deep-seated hatred for white people.”

You know, it doesn’t seem fair.  You hire a guy who you know is a loud mouthed bully and then you fire him for acting like a loud mouthed bully.

Thanks to BB for the heads up.

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