Well, Here It Is Thursday

March 02, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A couple of days ago, I wrote right here …

Okay, so this week’s score on Republican goofiness puts newcomer Tennessee in the lead.  I’m sure Texas or Florida will ask Tennessee to hold their beer and watch this by at least Thursday.

Well, yep.

Texas has a crossdressing anti-drag state representative.  And it’s Thursday. So score one for Madam Swami Juanita and her Crystal Ball of Republican Embarrassment.


But, that’s not even the fun part. Here’s the fun part:

Schatzline, a first-term state representative and former pastor, did not immediately respond to NBC News’ request for comment. However, in a tweet shared Tuesday, he appeared to confirm his participation in the video.

“Y’all really going crazy over me wearing a dress as a joke back in school for a theatre project? Yah, that’s not a sexually explicit drag show… lol y’all will twist ANYTHING,” he wrote.

First of all, this is the first time I have seen a grown man use lol. It’s also the first time I’ve seen a Texan say “Yah.” What is that?  Is it some sexually explicit coded language? I dunno, but I’d bet on probably.

Second of all, you’re being an irony bomb by accusing “y’all” of twisting ANYTHING.  You seem to have that job all gift wrapped with a bow on top, Honey.

Well done, Texas.  Do I hear a bid from Florida?


0 Comments to “Well, Here It Is Thursday”

  1. Grandma Ada says:

    I think FL wins every time I see someone post the pic of DeSantis in his white kinky boots!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    iirc History not being my best subject. Didn’t the autocrat and FIBBIE’S finest J. Edgar Hoover wear a dress? Not that there’s anything wrong with a man partial to dresses. In Scotland, bagpipes and kilts is traditional. Me? I could probably handle wearing a kilt or a dress, but dang it do not ask me to wear those heels you ladies so elegantly and gracefully wear. Heels!?! Yeah. Then I would REALLY look like a clown.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    @Jane & PKM: You obviously have never witnessed DC’s annual High Heel Race (which takes places on or close to Halloween). It’s quite a sight, seeing all those men dresses as drag queens and running for all they’re worth while wearing stilettos.

    I’m just wondering how far those cross-dressing RWNJs will go to differentiate what they were doing in drag from those who get all dolled up to read story books to children.

  4. Everybody but me is WRONG WRONG WRONG says:

    Does anyone have a phone number to call to tell him that “funny” outfit makes his ass look big…No Wait, looked at current picture and realized that he looks more like ‘ALL ASS, ALL THE TIME”

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    BarbinDC, no we have not had the pleasure of the DC’s annual High Heel Race. rofl It must be a fun event to behold. Seriously. One glance into Jane’s closet and I am full of wonder and awe for anyone who can walk much less run in those things.

    As for the RWNJs? Bets are on: they wear Floriduh D’oh Santos white man booties with their dresses. But seriously. The kids enjoy the story book times. While the RWNJs are likely to scare the bejabbers out of a child.

  6. SteveTheReturned says:

    Not only that: he’s showing an excessive amount of gums in that portrait photo. Moderate the smile, Nate, if you want my respect.

  7. Everybody but me is WRONG WRONG WRONG says:

    SCHTOOPID Me used up one of my remaining minutes to check out his background….I’m pretty sure there is a machine that poops these fellers out. Listing of bills he’s introduced or cosigned reads like a CPAC agenda. Please Please Major Supreme Being, protect us poor fools from ourselves.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Jane & PKM @ 2: Sadly, it seems likely the story of Jedgar (as Bobby Kennedy’s wife called him) getting dolled up in drag and taking Clyde Tolson out on dates is untrue. The woman who originally started that story was the wife of one of JEH’s enemies, and there’s no corroboration.

    I say “sadly” because it’s just about the only thing human-sounding that he might have done in his post-infancy life. Otherwise it’s just a sad story of a nasty man imposing his beliefs on the country, using taxpayer resources to do it. Ahh, who am I kidding: it’s sad because it’s a great story that I’d like to be true, and will propogate with glee.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    The Surly Professor @8 lol You’re sad? You just wiped-out half of what I remember from HS history classes.

  10. Republicans are pros when it comes to projection.

  11. Rich in Fla says:

    Doesn’t anyone remember Rudy’s drag days
    and the creepy video of TFG sniffing his neck?

  12. GOPerverts LOVE cross-dressing .

  13. The Surly Professor says:

    Jane&PKM: sorry about the deflation. Today I finished a book about the Borgias, and that crushed my childhood beliefs about Lucretzia Borgia being the epitome of sneaky nastiness. It seems that she did not poison anybody, and did not bump uglies with her brother and father.

    I guess I can still cling to the old story about saying Bloody Mary three times in a mirror. Although Bouletcorp has some issues with that story as well: https://english.bouletcorp.com/

    On the other hand, with Boebert and Empty Greene in Congress, we have new avatars of viciousness to look up (down?) to.

  14. Half Empty says:

    Hmm. Nice gams.
