Well He Certainly Seems Qualified
Trump only likes the best. Terrific. Well, Honey, here’s you a gold-plated scam artist straight from Texas.
Let me tell you a little something sweet about Gregg Phillips.
First off, he owes over $100,000 in taxes. Phillips contests that and says he “only” owes $50,000 – which, according to TASB, is more than a starting teacher’s yearly salary in Texas.
Gregg Phillips is well known in Texas scam circles. Under Pay-to-Play Governor Rick Perry, an investigation of Gregg landed the Houston Chronicle some awards for investigative journalism.
When Deputy Health and Human Services Commissioner Gregg Phillips and private consultant Chris Britton helped write the $1 billion legislation to privatize Texas’ human services system, they apparently did so partly with an eye on profit — their own.
A Houston Chronicle investigation into the activities of Britton, Phillips and Texas Workforce Commission Executive Director Larry Temple found weaknesses in Texas ethics laws concerning conflicts of interests and cronyism.
Nothing Gregg did, even hustling taxpayer dollars over and over, got him in trouble. He just kept getting state jobs in both Texas and Mississippi.
I’m not saying that Phillips and Trump are two peas in a pod, but, Honey, you couldn’t tell them apart in the dark.
Thanks to Bud for the heads up.