Well, Except for Pedro the Gardner

May 22, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In 2012, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett decreed Sept. 15 – Oct. 15 “Hispanic Heritage month,” and he noted that Pennsylvania’s 800,000 Latino residents represent approximately 6.8 percent of the overall population.

Yet, he had this conversation yesterday in front of the Union League in Philadelphia —

MODERATOR: Do you have staff members that are Latino?

CORBETT: No, we do not have any staff members in there. If you can find us one, please let me know.

MODERATOR: I am sure that there are Latinos that…

CORBETT: Do any of you want to come to Harrisburg? See?!

Because when you’re white in Pennsylvania, holy crap dude, you’re white!

Hummm … there seems to be no shortage of goofy ignorant twitty old white men Governors, though.  Hispanics?  Well, you gotta go look for them.

Some days, y’all, I just want to stand and bang my head against the wall.  However, that option becomes even more attractive if I could bang my head against a white Republican Governor.

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0 Comments to “Well, Except for Pedro the Gardner”

  1. Oh, JJ, you don’t want to bang ANYTHING against an old white Republican Governor and any other Republican political or otherwise ?person? … you’ll get cooties and then we’d have to spray you down and put a flea collar on you! I just don’t think your Bubba would like that at all a’tall!! ;o)

  2. Our Dem governor just signed a new law allowing undocumented workers here to have drivers licenses. I am, once again, proud of Vermont. We have a pretty small Hispanic population, but it’s growing.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    VeeGee, Vermont is just a progressive state. Wouldn’t some of them like to come to Tayuksis and help edicate the folks?

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’m sure Mitt has a binder full of Hispanics.

  5. Aggieland liz says:

    Compromise JJ: bang the old white Governor’s head against the wall!

  6. Many years ago, in a town about 45 minutes away from Harrisburg, I stood looking over my Dad’s hometown from a small mountain. My cousin pointed out sections of the town showing me where the Polacks, Spics, Wops and Micks lived. His words, not mine; Momma raised me better. The fact that he was of half Pole and half Irish descent never slowed him down.

    It was a wonder to me after that conversation that Dad escaped there and taught me the basics of the progressive values I hold dear today.

  7. W C Peterson says:

    I think a wall would be softer.

  8. Funny thing: PA’s former Gov. Rendell was able to find lots of highly qualified Hispanics to appoint to his administration. But of course he’s a Democrat, so he is able actually to see people who aren’t white.
    And we have about 8 good candidates running for the Democratic nomination next year to beat Corbett, so count on that head getting beaten against a wall of fed up voters.

  9. use a clue x4 with a long handle so you don’t have to get too close

  10. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    OMG… think that banging might mess up Goodhair’s coiffure?

  11. maryelle says:

    Uncle Tom Corbett is one of the good ole Repugs. He’s cut millions from education, is trying to take away teacher and other state employee pensions, has some sweetheart deals with Shell oil and the fracking industry and wants to change the way electoral votes are allocated (by gerrymandered district). He and his pals passed a voter ID law last year which, thank goodness, was suspended by the State Supreme Court for the last election only. To expect him to be inclusive of minorities or women is absolutely insane. Thanks God his approval rating is in the toilet, so maybe we can put a Democrat back in that office

  12. IronCelt says:

    Governor Corbett has been treating the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as if it were 18th-century India and as if he were the head/viceroy of the East India Company.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    I guess they cut their own grass.

  14. “OUR” Governor, sticking his head in the sand when it’s not up his ass…

  15. VeeGee… why assume your undocumented are “Hispanics”. In Vermont, more likely Canadians (or Irish… they still come, as did some of my relatives, without papers).

  16. If you bang two old white Republican governors together, you think you could knock some sense into them?

    Nah– they’d have to be getting the sense from somewhere. You’d have better luck if you bang them one at a time against the wall.

    Bang their HEADS against the wall. Jeez, that was an ugly mental image for a second there. Sorry.

  17. This was the state that did have Ed Rendell. Michigan, who is governed by Rick Snyder, used to have Jennifer Granholm. What is up with the people of those states? A sudden drop of 20 IQ points – each?

  18. maryelle says:

    Unfortunately in the last PA gubernatorial race, Corbett had been the Attorney General and had lots of name recognition. The Democratic candidate, Dan Onorato, was virtually unknown outside of western PA.
    Even though the Repug platform spelled out all the evil they wished to accomplish, people still say how surprised they are that Corbett has done so much harm. Duh? Yep it’s that I.Q. thing.

  19. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    When I moved to Pennsyltucky in 1983, I soon discovered that I was living among some of the most bigoted people I ever encountered. But it wasn’t because they were bad people; most of the farmers and dairymen I dealt with on a daily basis were very helpful and generous to those in need. (Like me when my left rear wheel passed me and Kenny let me leave the vehicle in the middle of his farmyard for about 2 weeks while I scraped together the the money and parts to fix it — he even let me borrow tools. Or 8 months later when the same thing happened due to a slightly different problem and Roy towed it back to his farm and put it in a shed where I worked on it for 3 weeks and with help from his brother Willard, got it back on the road again.) No, the reason so many of them were bigoted was simply because there were only 3 kinds of people, Amish, Mennonites, and “English”. Oh sure there were a few foreigners “Up ta Collich” at the Penn Snake Yewniversity, but for the most part the only thing anyone had to go on when it came to African-Americans or other non-white ethic groups was a stereotype and as a result these kind people said some of the most bigoted things I ever heard anyone say. (Except maybe my Grandmother who was raised in a different era.)

    That said, I don’t think Core Butt has any excuse other than the obvious one — he’s a dumb, self-centered, political animal with an ego the size of Beaver Stadium.

  20. I believe that Pennslyvania is 49th in the nation in job creation. It’s slightly behind Badgerland which I believe is 44th. Our governor (Walker) is now in Iowa campaigning for prez in 2016. He’s out of the state more than he’s in the state. He recently went to China, probably to outsource more of our jobs. Sorry JJ. I’m just venting anger here.

  21. @ Richard south of the border: I mentioned Hispanics because the people who testified in our legislative hearings about the need for drivers licenses and were subsequently interviewed in the newspaper were Hispanic.
