Well, Damn

May 30, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just realized that I won’t have Leo Berman to kick around any more.

Well, damn.  Just damn.

Oh, I’m sure the Republicans will come up with an amusing replacement.

Skip felt so bad for me, that he sent this to make me feel better.

It did.

For those of you not ultra hip like me, it’s become an internet meme.  Romneys’ iPhone app misspells America.

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0 Comments to “Well, Damn”

  1. Amercia is better with CIA

  2. daChipster says:

    In other weird Texas primary lore, the marijuana dude Beto O’Rourke defeated 8-term El Paso Congressman Sylvestre Reyes.

    I haven’t heard the buzz as to how good a Congresscritter this Sylvestre they do be reeferring to was, but he and his buds clearly thought he was a stone lock. But this Beto guy was laying for him in the weeds. I guess the voters thought with chronic gridlock, the political process had gone to pot and that the grass was greener on his side. I’m guessing the margin was somewhere around 420 votes? Let me be blunt: it’s high time we sent someone like Beto to Washington to clean up the joint.

    Let’s hope he defeats whatever skunkie roach the tea people send against him.

  3. SomedayGirl says:

    Well, at least we know he supports hiring dyslexics…

  4. daChipster says:

    SomedayGirl: Only if they’re straight. In fact, you’ve given me an inspiration:

    Romney makes more gafs than a gay dyslexic who can’t spell.

  5. grammy97 says:

    I do not believe this was an “error” on Rmoney’s part. Look up the definition of amerce.

  6. Elise Von Holten says:

    My favorite is still the “Rmoney” misspelling out on the trail–I can’t remember but I think his children were holding the signs!

  7. Amercia…Amercia..
    Dog shed his fur on thee…
    And crown thy roof
    With doggie poop
    From Connecticut to Ontariooooo…

  8. Looks like Mitten’s Fruedian slip is showing…Amercia..America is the CIA….hmmm

  9. eyesoars says:

    #5: good catch…

    amerce — transitive verb
    : to punish by a fine whose amount is fixed by the court; broadly : punish
    — amerce·ment \-ˈmər-smənt\ noun
    — amer·cia·ble \-ˈmər-sē-ə-bəl, -ˈmər-shə-bəl\ adjective

  10. Jose Orta says:

    That’s what you get when you “outsource” your apps.

  11. TexasEllen says:

    The good news is that the Republicans have a runoff. The bad news is that the Democrats do too (for Senator nominee) and I have to work as Precinct judge for that one, too.

  12. BarbinDC says:

    @daChipster: Reyes was my Mother’s Congresscritter at the time she had to go into a private nursing home. I dealt with his local office to get a special exemption for door-to-door Post Office service. (Don’t ask.) However, I used to work as a Caseworker for the DC Delegate and knew exactly how to approach this particular problem. Still, the staff person I corresponded with was top-notch (and used to live in DC–we had quite the conversation about my particular neighborhood).

    El Paso is probably even bluer than Austin and will, no doubt, send O’Rourke to DC. Where he will be welcomed.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    AMERCIA–is that kind of like “a-mercy” or “without mercy”?

  14. AmerCIA is what Romney plans maybe?

  15. double nickel says:

    Team Rmoney strikes again.

  16. Bo Leeyeau says:


    buzz, buds, stone, weeds, chronic, pot, grass, blunt, joint, tea and skunkie roach?

    Makes ya’ wanna say, “Awesome, dude!”

  17. daChipster says:

    Bo: well-done! But you missed “Do be” “reeferring” “420” and “tea.” Those were kind of a stretch, thouugh.

    In El Paso, victory smells like Cool Ranch Doritos.

  18. daChipster says:

    ..and “high time” 🙂
