Well, Can You Imagine That?

January 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Today’s Houston Chronicle.

In the wake of his fumbling presidential run, Gov. Rick Perry’s job approval level has sunk below President Barack Obama’s among Texans and more than half think the Republican shouldn’t run for re-election, according to a new poll by a consortium of newspapers including the Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express-News.

Ya see, that’s the thing about Republicans.  They look real pretty until they open their mouths.  I told y’all that about Rick Perry, didn’t I?  Yes, I did.

But, poor ole Ray Sullivan have become delusional.

Perry spokesman Ray Sullivan, noting that Perry has defied polls before, said the governor may well run for re-election in 2014 and also try again for the White House in 2016, “especially if President Obama somehow wins a second term.”

“Governor Perry leads based on his conservative philosophy and what is best for Texas jobs and quality of life, not poll numbers,” Sullivan said.

No, Ray, the voting numbers were pretty gosh-awful, too.  I thought maybe you noticed that.  You know, right before you got on the airplane to come home.

I think maybe they are planning a special Rick Perry corner at the George Bush Library.  Makes George look smart.

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