Well, At Least It’s Not Hitler
Oh, South Carolina, you make me so happy. Compared to you, Texas looks almost sane. Okay, maybe not almost but at least your droolers are a change of scenery from our knuckle draggers.
Please meet Congressdrooler Jeff Duncan from South Carolina. Jeff has some thoughts on background checks prior to purchase of guns and he put it on Facebook.
He starts with the sentence “Let’s not kid ourselves.” From there he circles around the canyon, saws a woman in half in a wooden box, plays with some smoke and mirrors, and ends up with machetes in Rwanda.
Yes, background checks will result in the wholesale slaughter of Americans by machetes. Just. Like. Rwanda. Exactly like Rwanda. Machetes.
Remember, he says he’s not kidding, but I find that hard to believe since a background check is not a national registry.
However, it is kinda funny that Jeff Duncan used Facebook, the largest national registry in the world, to speak about the evils of a national registry. So, let’s really not kid ourselves – Jeff Duncan is nuts.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.