Well, At Least East Texas Hasn’t Hit Bottom.
Just when you thought East Texas couldn’t possibly get any nuttier, you realize they are free falling in a hole so deep that you can hear people talking Chinese about half way down.
The Smith County (near Tyler) Republican County Chairman says the Republican Party ain’t near enough conservative for him so he’s resigning and joining up with the Tea Party. I do not know if they are forming a posse but I wouldn’t doubt it.
Now, I’m gonna remind you that Smith County is where Louie Gohmert and Steve Stockman hole up when they are not fighting each other for camera position on Fox News. Hell, Steve Stockman got stand-out crazy attention today and that probably hacked off Louie and so he’s got to out-crazy Steve and then if God doesn’t intervene it’s gonna be like poking a little hole in the crazy balloon and having it fly around backwards for days making funny noises. Oh wait, that’s already happened.
So if Steve Stockman and Louie Gohmert aren’t conservative enough for you, you gotta be wondering where Mussolini is when you really need him.
So y’all, if East Texas tries to secede from Texas and the United States of America, just let them. Just get the hell outta the way and barb wire the whole sucker off from civilized civilization.
Thanks to Barb in DC and Kathleen for the heads up.