Well, At Least Bob Perry Put Some Madras Shorts On While Running Around In My Backyard

October 28, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita told you about Bob Perry, of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and Karl Rove Is My BFF fame, gave $2,500 over the legal donation amount to one of our Republican district court judge candidates, Brady Elliott.

That was on October 19th.

Lookie what happened on October 20th:  (Click the little one to get the big one.)

Judge Brady Elliott returned his $2,500 ill-gotten gain, even though he told Bev Carter of The Fort Bend Star that “he has no plans of giving any of the contribution back.”  He did say, however, that he would “re-visit” the law.

Judge Brady Elliott

“You’re a stinkin’ judge,” Juanita stomps.  “Re-visit the law, my patootie!  I’m a little hairdresser.  How come I know more law than you do?”

Juanita is convinced that Elliott knew it was illegal when he took it.  He just didn’t plan on getting caught.  Juanita is voting for Albert Hollan and you should, too.

“I do not have time to babysit judges and their ethics,” she says.  “I am busy all day pushing back frontiers of bad hair.  I have enough to do without  adding the job of being district attorney.”

Yeah, but she’d be a darn good district attorney and everybody would straighten up and fly right.

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