Well, After All, It Does Take a Special Wide Angle Lens

March 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hey Buddy, can you spare a dime?

I have to admit that I’m gonna miss Newt Gingrich.  He never wanted to be President.  He just wanted to debate Barack Obama for like, I dunno, twenty hours or something and try to beat him up. That’s really kind of sad.  Newt’s not near as good a debate as he thinks he is.

But, it appears that Gingrich is going to be out of this race pretty soon.  He’s now charging people to take their picture with him.

In a sign that his campaign is in need of fresh funds, Newt Gingrich began charging $50 to have a photograph taken with him following a campaign speech, National Journal reports.

“It was the first time that the former House speaker has charged those attending one of his public speaking events to pose for a photograph with him.”

Fifty bucks?  Heck, even Hub Caps, our local burlesque dancer, charges $100.

Fifty bucks doesn’t go very far at Tiffany’s, Newt.

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