Well, After All, California is a Foreign State

October 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so there’s the woman in Austin who wants to vote.   She’s from California and her driver’s license is from California.  But, she lives in Texas.  She owns property in both states and goes back and forth but she wants to vote in Texas.

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 7.53.07 PMSo, after some enormous hassle she gets all the documentation she needs to get a Texas ID from the Department of Public Safety.

So she goes to a DPS office in South Austin to apply.  Not so fast, Little Lady.

The clerk left for a few minutes, then told her to take a seat. At that point, Messinger said, a state trooper summoned her into his back office, saying he needed to speak to her. Once inside his office, Messinger said the trooper insisted on seeing all the documentation she had brought, and demanded to know where she lives and pays taxes. He even told her she could be jailed for driving with a California license. It is illegal to drive in Texas on another state’s driver’s license 90 days after moving into the state.

She got so rattled that she left without getting an ID.

Hell, Honey, that’s in the Texas Constitution that people from California can’t vote here.  You just mosey on back to El Lay and smoke some funky weed and leave us good Christian people alone.  Or we’ll shoot ya after we jail ya.

Thanks to Jeanne for the heads up.

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