Welcome to the War, Senator Cornyn

September 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so after Ted Cruz bet his bottom dollar that if elected Beto O’Rourke was going to outlaw barbeque in Texas. Now contending that what he said was in jest, Cruz said that if Democrats win, we’d band barbeque and make everybody eat tofu.

So John Cornyn tries to distract by going after Beto himself on the new Republican newspaper of record – Twitter.

Cornyn Twitters the not-so-new-news that O’Rourke said  “I don’t think we should be selling AR-15s in this country.”

Cornyn asks, “Not for self defense?”

Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, who also has a subscription to Twitter, jumps up and responds to Cornyn.

“In 32 years policing I’ve yet [to] encounter a case of a community member using an AR-15 for self-defense,” Acevedo tweeted. “I’m not saying it hasn’t happened, but I’d bet the house they’ve been used many, many times to slaughter innocent Americans as opposed to self-defense.”

Cornyn suddenly remembers that guns don’t kill people, but sometimes United States Senators use their mouths to shoot themselves in the foot.

“Chief, it isn’t the gun it is the shooter. Let’s focus on mental health, background checks and information sharing that can save lives.”

Like catching fish in a barrel …


Acevedo doubles down and Cornyn shuts up.

Acevedo says he didn’t enter the Twit-Off to defend O’Rourke, but …

“I’m weighing in as a practitioner on behalf of the people we are sworn to protect,” Acevedo said, adding that he is part of a group of 69 police chiefs from major cities advocating for gun law reforms.

Members of the Major Cities Chiefs Association have called for a new assault weapons ban and stiffer penalties for illegal guns.

So Cornyn went back to staying in his own lane and tending to his areas of expertise – Republican greed, corruption, and getting rich off the taxpayers.

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