Welcome to Texas, Jim Bob, We’re Having Ourselves a Tea Party
I just want you folks from foreign states to know that the Republican Party in Texas died last night. I blame it on George Bush and Rick Perry, but then again I blame everything on them including bad hair days, hangnails, and my bad mood.
I don’t think I can express how bad it really is. About midnight last night I heard that we’re moving the state capitol to a cabin outside of Fort Stockton with a large “I Hate The Guvmint” sign out front. Yeah, they hate the government except for their social security, their farm subsidies, their medicare, their good-ole-boy contracts, their ag exemptions, and the right to peek inside a woman’s private parts when they suspect she’s pregnant.
It’s bad. It’s real bad.
If I didn’t live here, I wouldn’t live here.
Look, we probably couldn’t get this set of Republicans committed by the court to the wacky ward, but if they walked in there by mistake, they could not prove their way out.
Damn, y’all, my own county just nominated a guy who makes Louie Gohmert look reasonable.
Bubba says we’re investing in a stage coach because these guys don’t believe in that there infrastructure stuff and the only way outta Texas might be over land with me riding shotgun.
I think the magnitude of the Tea party takeover of the GOP kinda shocked everybody. Lookie here at the Texas Tribune yesterday at about 5:30.
Eke out? They said eke out. Hellfire, Crazy Cruz won with 57% of the vote out of 1.1 million Republican voters. That is not eke out. That is freak out.
I’m going back to bed and pulling the covers over my head until the dreams of Ted Cruz prancing up and down the Capitol steps leaves my head. Then I’m drinking a couple of Margaritas and singing Elvis songs on the back porch until the neighbors complain. I cannot for the life of me think of anything better to do today.