Welcome to Dan Patrick’s Texas
On election night, a Dan Patrick supporter attacked a live-on-air local reporter for broadcasting during a prayer at the Dan Patrick victory party.
No, seriously. Physically assaulted reporter Foti Kallergis. And when a fellow female reporter came to his defense, one of the women present called her a f-ing bitch. You know, just like Jesus would do.
Click the little one to get the big one. This is long-time Houston reporter Deborah Wrigley stepping in to stop the attack.
And here’s a camera phone picture of someone else trying to pull the Christian off the reporter.
It’s gonna be a looooong four years, y’all. They are gonna be using Jesus as their own personal weapon.
I do feel sorry for Texans. Sure wish more sane people had voted and then maybe you wouldn’t have to put up with the insanity as exhibited here! Maybe it would have been better to show up live, on the air, so that people could see exactly who and what they voted into office!
1They’ve ALWAYS used Jesus as their personal weapon.
2OMG! This is terrible!
The liberal media will run this 24/7 to discredit us Conservatives/Republicans/Christians.
They will try to portray us a bunch of bullies/hypocrites/blowhards.
OMG! Please make the persecution of conservatives stop!
3Poor Jesus.
Once again, I’m reminded of that great scene in “Hannah and Her Sisters” where one of the characters has spent hours watching 1980s evangelical tv for the first time. He comments, “If Jesus came back and saw what’s going on in his name, he’d never stop throwing up.”
Bummer of a legacy, dude.
4Prepare yourselves. It’s going to be a long and bumpy 4 years.
5Go to the website, and comment.
“Thugs”…… obviously come in many colors.
Thank you.
6With Wendy Davis you had class and a visit from Jon Stewart. Dan Patrick brings you … oh hell … he doesn’t need $arah Palin or Jerry Springer, he has his supporters.
7Very Christ-like behavior. When I see something like that, I say “Oh, Jesus!”
8PKM-why diss Springer by comparing him to rw wingnuts of the first stripe?
9Maybe we get lucky and Jesus does a flyby rapture and leaves all them dead,fake christians behind for the maggots to choke on.
Typical RWNJ behavior
10makes me proud to be an Atheist/Humanist/Unitarian Universalist.
11This is just the beginning. The KKKristian right will be pushing and shoving their warped version of religion/violence down the national throat.
12Was that “christian” drunk?
13e platypus onion, ok, correct that to Springer-like guests. Not anywhere near my era, so on shaky ground here deciding which came first, Jerry or Geraldo, in making white trash behavior almost ‘acceptable.’ Or, did all this have its start with the tents and snake handlers that came before them.
Reagan held the pooch for the right wing, but it seems Cheney/Rove ripped down the Big Top to flood politics with the crazies.
14Remind me. Don’t these victory thingies usually involve oceans of alcohol before, during and after? Sounds, looks and smells (especially) as if someone had a real jumbo size snoot full. Still in all, yes, it was miles beyond appalling especially the part about throwing in the Holy Name and instead of it being a shield and buckler it became an attack dog. These jokers had better be very, very wary of lightening from here on in and even indoors!
15Preys Jayzus and pass some hypocrisy around…
I’s hopin’ that RP #3 is snarkin’…’cause my snark-o-meter is at the re-calibration shop getting the scale reworked (after Tue it’s prolly gonna hafta get a complete I/O refit).
16Forgot the second part of 1st sentence:
17…the Amurikkan Taliban is just warming up here, get ready for the all-out Crusades to begin in earnest real soon now (both domestic and overseas).
Sandridge, correct, give RP a 10+ on the the snark-o-meter. That was a Grade A+ parody of the right wing victim meme.
ROFLMAO RP – “liberal media”
Bets for any mention of this on Sunday chat fests tomorrow?
18Okay. For the ones concerned about all this, it’s a manner of etiquette, same as “can you hold a ripe pear in your hand to eat it or do you have to eat it with a fork and knife”. It is considered bad manners to be talking during a public prayer. The whole thing looks pretty ridiculous, but if reporters and photographers are going to hang out at public events with folks like Dan Patrick whom I cannot abide, they are going to have to learn to be quiet or else go out into the hallway to talk during public prayers. You don’t have to agree with the guy or his religion. If you had a bunch of Muslims on their knees praying, wouldn’t you give them that same respect?
19Marge Wood, most Muslims would not do themselves the indignity of inviting the press to prayers, whereas the KKKristians love them some publicity and will snap at any opportunity to play their victim card.
Could it have been handled better? Sure. How about press invited, but please no on air time during prayers, announcement prior to the event?
Question, how deep into prayer was the pink faced ‘tackler’ at the time? And, what’s up with his right arm and hand speaking a very limp “oh please stop me.” Going with RP on that: “OMG! Please make the persecution of conservatives stop!”
The victim meme is strong in curly of the tan jacket.
20Marge Wood, some people may consider it bad manners to talk during a public prayer, but Jesus considered it bad manners to *have* public prayers.
“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray in the synagogues and standing in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily, I say unto you, They have their reward.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret, and thy Father which seest in secret shall reward thee openly.” (Matthew 6:5-6)
It’s a few verses before the Lord’s Prayer, but a whole lot of people (some of them in Texas) seem to have torn out that part of the page.
If anyone ever offers me the chance to open a council meeting or high school football game, I’ll probably read that.
21Well, sure. All of that. Live and learn. How do we know the press was even invited? And slugging/hauling someone around? Sheesh. I never saw that done at church or for that matter anywhere else. You think maybe our country in general is sort of forgetting how to behave?
22Rhea, I like your idea. I kind of doubt Jesus would have been invited to that event, or that he would have dressed right if he were. Like Obama, Jesus kind of got dissed from every direction.
23Marge Wood, there’s the “expectation of privacy,” then there’s the standard political event. Other than the Koch brothers, $Rmoney and Lindsey Graham with their behind closed doors events, all the baby kissers are there for the publicity.
24Lucky open carry wasn’t in effect – – or we’d have one reporter rolled out on the carpet, and the “Jesus Defense” prepared and served like a Last Supper for the 12 jurors, good Christian peers of the defendant, who “your honor, have a chance to rectify a mistake made 2000 years ago, and this time the opportunity to get it right.”
25So, who is this tan jacketed defender of the faith, this exemplar of the peace, this turn the other cheeky fellow?
26That creep in the tan coat may profess to be a worshiper of Jesus Christ. Actually, he’s a worshiper of Dan Patrick. Anybody who’s heard the bizarre phone-ins to Patrick’s radio show knows exactly what I’m talking about.
27In Dan Patrick’s Texas, you get assaulted for violating pseudo-Christian etiquette. Ain’t Republican rule grand?
28“Separation of Church and State” seems to be an unknown or fogotten concept in the Texas Lege.
And *why* isn’t this ruffian being charged with assault and battery?!
People, it is SERIOUSLY time to use the Law to it’s fullest extent. Free speech doesn’t end when someone declares a prayer time (though it is kind of tacky to interrupt). Treat these bullies like the fascists they are.
30Hi Yall, goodurnit I’s missent my chance.
Ive shoud a do that runiny thing fer guvernmint orifice tis dam yar. Dam te govurmint, but it’s pay’s good.
Hellfur, if’n that fooul Dan, umm, Pertrick coulda get electrified as lue and tenant guvenur, I show as hell
Curd too.
Alls he done bad were to crash at that ther pansie ass gay bar, O n say that all shit on hims radidio show,
Is dun did mur craps then thets on me owns.
I dun ben awested bout ate times, and ya ones was cause that thar gurls donts telame shes where realie
a mans. Course I dun been divoseted five or soo time, butt hell who haven’t?
Seem’s to me I aim quarfied fer that ther orifice.
Ur whats bout Is colda ran fer Cam , err, Cumt, err, that thar cumptroll thar we goes, orifice?
That thar Hegar pirson woned that durn orifice over sum kinda dam collage boy whose say he can
Cifer than thar numerals, I cans du that too, ifn ant Maybell heps me some. Butt Heygar wons, sos
I wernt haves too, he aint dun no cifering ether.
Il leaf yall wit thisen, I aim as qualifried asn anys uf thise fuools , fer any gold durn orifice in thes her
Statue of taxas.
In bout 20sexteen or thar bouts, member me name.
I aim Bow ‘ T parity’ Gilmour.
Lettuce dround that thar guverments in 20sexteen.
O yer cans heps my be sindeing some moneys t Unc Cleon ( dunt now why hes mom give em that
31Ni, rrr, Africana mericans names), nyway, sent yur moneys to hims Cleon B. Buferd cure ef prostrate
Mister, box 549, Anywhar, Tx, is that wright?, I thunk so.
Are you aware that Dan Patronize was giving his victory speech at the same time (in another location ) as Greg ABButt’s victory speech? Doesn’t look to me like there’s going to be much cooperation and playing well together.
32Oh good grief. I cannot count the number of church gatherings I’ve attended where we couldn’t get everyone’s attention for the prayer and we all knew it was about to happen. Who prays at a political victory party anyway besides hypocrites and faux KKKristians? May they choke on their Holy Righteousness(TM).
33It’s just going to get worse. These zombies have not even been sworn into office yet.
34Angelo_Frank, I must respectfully disagree that Republican politicians are zombies.
More like ghouls.
35Is the tripe from legion 357 necessary?
36Oh my! this is going to be more fun than Ma taking her blouse off in the Forth of July Parade. You just have to stand in awe at the shear quantity of dumb that was and will be purveyed.
37From Lieutenant Governor-Elect Dan Patrick’s “Press Conference Standard Operating Procedure Manual”:
Rule No. 1: In response to any question that becomes too difficult to answer, say “Let Us Pray” and then direct a staff member to beat the crap out of the reporter who asked the question.
38It’s so great to read such zingy comments. Up here in NC things are way more boring. The RWNJ usually don’t even let the opposition know when they’re coming to town. Only the “in” christofascists get the word. Of course, that’s good enough for a small town in the backwoods of the mountains.
Houston rocks!
39Yes RP, it will be used. But no discrediting is needed. Conservatives do it all by themselves. All sane people have to do is point it out.
The last time I heard someone say that disrespecting someone else was grounds for physical assault, I was in jail. And it was the inmates saying it.