Welcome Home, Comrade.
Remember how President Obama seized Russian “diplomatic” properties in Maryland and New York city claiming they were being “used by Russian personnel for intelligence-related purposes” and he gave them 24 to vacate and get the hell outta Dodge? They were seized because Russia was interfering in the United States election.
That’s when we had a real President with the real courage to stand up to our enemies.
Enter Trump:
Trump, then at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, appeared to disparage the Obama administration sanctions, telling reporters, “I think we ought to get on with our lives.”
Surprisingly, Russia did not respond. It later emerged that Flynn, in a phone conversation with Kislyak, had advised against retaliation and indicated that U.S. policy would change under the Trump administration.
The Kremlin made clear that the compound issue was at the top of its bilateral agenda. Russia repeatedly denounced what it called the “seizure” of the properties as an illegal violation of diplomatic treaties.
Last week Russia tweeted (which is the only way to get Trump’s attention).
Oooowwwwww … threats.
Oooowwwwww … Trump.
It’s not so much that he’s kissing Putin flat on the mouth, it’s that he does it right in the middle of the street, with a spotlight, camera crew, lasers, and loud music on National Coddling Day and then tweets that it’s all fake news.
I wonder if he’s going to let Jared list it first and then sell it back to them.